Research Article

Yoga and Emotion Regulation in High School Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 2

Total sample means, standard deviations, and tests of normality.

VariableMSDSkewness (SE)Kurtosis (SE)

PRE (time 1)
ERICA3755.386.42.52 (.39).16 (.76)
MAASA373.86.73−.35 (.39)−.28 (.76)
SCS3679.3314.22−.09 (.40)−.60 (.78)
MAIA362.98.60−.02 (.39)−.37 (.77)

POST (time 3)
ERICA3456.328.20.35 (.40)1.12 (.79)
MAASA343.89.78.79 (.40).16 (.79)
SCS3481.2613.09−.18 (.40)−.29 (.79)
MAIA333.13.64−.60 (.41).83 (.80)

Change scores
ERICA34.826.17−.16 (.40).07 (.79)
MAASA34.01.86.33 (.40)−.52 (.79)
SCS341.129.58.51 (.40).61 (.79)
MAIA32.19.64−.61 (.41).39 (.81)

Notes. = number of participants, M = mean, (SD) = standard deviation, and (SE) = standard error.
ERICA = Emotion Regulation Index for Children and Adolescents [27]; MAASA = Mindful Attention Awareness Scale in Adolescents [28]; SCS = Self-Compassion Scale [29]; and MAIA = Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness [30].