Research Article

Structural Integration as an Adjunct to Outpatient Rehabilitation for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Pilot Clinical Trial

Table 1

Rolf Ten Series treatment goals.

SessionAreas increase pliability, mobility, and L/R and A/P balance

1(i) Anterior aspect of rib cage and shoulder girdle
(ii) Attachments to lateral iliac crests and greater trochanters
(iii) Hamstrings, iliotibial bands

2(i) Feet, ankles, and knees
(ii) Anterior aspect of calves and thighs

3(i) Lateral aspect of the pelvis, torso, and shoulder girdle
(ii) Increased independence of thorax from pelvis
(iii) Increased range of humerus relative to scapula.
(iv) Increased independence of shoulder girdle from neck to rib cage

4(i) Medial aspect of legs and floor of pelvis

5(i) Anterior aspect of the pelvis, hips, torso, and lumbar spine

6(i) Posterior aspect of ankle, leg, knee, hip, pelvis, and lumbar spine

7(i) Soft tissues spanning the cervical spine and cranium, cranial structure including jaw

8(i) Promote functional integration between upper extremities, shoulder girdle, and spine

9(i) Promote functional integration between lower extremities, pelvic girdle, and spine

10(i) Further optimize functional integration of extremities, shoulder, and pelvic girdles to spine

Goals for work at end of each of the ten sessions
(i) Promote physiologic movement of dorsal & lumbar vertebrae
(ii) Promote physiological movement, L/R and A/P balance of sacrum and 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae
(iii) Promote physiologic movement, L/R and A/P balance of cervical spine

L/R: left to right.
A/P: anterior to posterior.