Research Article

Suan Zao Ren Tang in Combination with Zhi Zi Chi Tang as a Treatment Protocol for Insomniacs with Anxiety: A Randomized Parallel-Controlled Trial

Table 1

Nomenclature of the Chinese herbs in Suan  Zao  Ren  Tang and Zhi  Zi  Chi  Tang formula.

Pharmaceutical nameChinese PinyinLatin botanical nameProportion (%)

Semen  Zizyphi  Spinosae Suanzaoren Ziziphus  jujuba  Mill.  var.  Spinosa 19.5
Sclerotium  Poriae  Cocos Fuling Poria  cocos  (Schw.)  Wolf 19.5
Radix  Ligustici  Chuanxiong Chuangxiong Ligusticum  chuanxiong  Hort. 13.0
Rhizoma  Anemarrhena Zhimu Anemarrhena  asphodeloides  Bge. 15.6
Gardenia  Jasminoides  fruit Zhizi Gardenia  jasminoides  Ellis 13.0
Fermented  Soybean Dandouchi Semen  Sojae  Praepatum 13.0
Radix  Glycyrrhizae Gancao Glycyrrhiza  uralensis  Fisch. 6.5