Research Article

Gene Expression Profiling and Pathway Network Analysis Predicts a Novel Antitumor Function for a Botanical-Derived Drug, PG2

Table 2

Pathway analysis using the PG2-enriched signature (top 30 pathways).

PathwaySource #Genes in set value-valueOverlapImmunecancer

Immune systemReactome101128
Pathways in cancerKEGG32715
NF-kappa B signaling pathwayKEGG929
Hepatitis CKEGG13310
Cytokine signaling in immune systemReactome18611
Signaling events mediated by stem cell factor receptor (c-Kit)PID537
RIG-I/MDA5 mediated induction of IFN-alpha/beta pathwaysReactome537
IL2 signaling events mediated by STAT5PID326
EPO signaling pathwayPID346
Epstein-Barr virus infectionKEGG20411
Neurotrophic factor-mediated Trk receptor signalingPID657
TRAF3-dependent IRF activation pathwayReactome134
Signaling events mediated by hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-Met)PID847
Activation of IRF3/IRF7 mediated by TBK1/IKK epsilonReactome154
MyD88-independent cascadeReactome977
Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) cascadeReactome977
Beta-catenin phosphorylation cascadeReactome174
Platelet sensitization by LDLReactome184
Interferon signalingReactome696
Signaling events mediated by TCPTPPID415
RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathwayKEGG716
Chronic myeloid leukemiaKEGG736
Activated TLR4 signalingReactome1117
Negative regulators of RIG-I/MDA5 signalingReactome214
Signaling by interleukinsReactome1147
Inhibition of cellular proliferation by GleevecPID224
Interleukin-3, interleukin-5, and GM-CSF signalingReactome475
CTLA4 inhibitory signalingReactome234
Neurotrophin signaling pathwayKEGG1207