Review Article

From Traditional Usage to Pharmacological Evidence: Systematic Review of Gunnera perpensa L.

Table 1

Traditional herbal tonics of Gunnera perpensa mixed with other plant species.

Herbal preparationPlant species composition and parts usedEthnomedicinal usesCountry practisedReferences

DecoctionRoots of Acorus calamus L. taken with rhizome of G. perpensaImpotenceSouth Africa[24]

DecoctionLeaves of Asclepias humilis (E. Mey.) Schltr. and roots of Scabiosa columbaria L. taken with G. perpensaRegulate menstrual cycleLesotho[28, 43]

Decoction/infusionChopped Crinum spp. bulb mixed with a handful of pounded G. perpensa rootsUrinary complaints and pain in rheumatic feverSouth Africa[20]

Decoction/infusionRoots of Gladiolus sericeovillosus Hook. f. subsp. sericeovillosus mixed with roots of G. perpensaAdministered to facilitate expulsion of the afterbirthSouth Africa[17]

Inembe decoctionRoots of Cyphostemma natalitium (Szyszyl.) J.J.M. van der Merwe, Rhoicissus tridentata subsp. cuneifolia (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Urton, and Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. mixed with roots of G. perpensaInduce or augment labour, postnatal medication to expel afterbirth, abortifacient, administered to animals to expel placenta and treatment of endometritisSouth Africa[16, 20, 2224, 27]

InfusionRootstock of Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. var. amatymbica is mixed with that of G. perpensaStomachacheSouth Africa[20]

InfusionBark of Cassine transvaalensis (Burtt Davy) Codd taken with rhizome of G. perpensaPsoriasisSouth Africa[84]

Imbiza ephuzwato decoctionAcokanthera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd (roots), Aster bakeranus Burtt Davy ex C.A. Sim. (roots), Corchorus asplenifolius Burch. (roots), Cyrtanthus obliquus (L.f.) Aiton (bulb), Drimia elata Jacq. (bulbs), Eriosema cordatum E. Mey. (roots), Fusifilum physodes (Jacq.) Raf. ex Speta (bulbs), Gnidia kraussiana Meisn. var. kraussiana (roots), Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) W.T. Aiton (roots), G. perpensa (rhizomes), Hypericum aethiopicum Thunb. (leaves, stems), Ledebouria spp. (bulbs), Lycopodium clavatum L. (whole plant), Momordica balsamina L. (leaves), Rubia cordifolia L. (roots), Scadoxus puniceus (L.) Friis & Nordal (bulb), Stephania abyssinica (Quart.-Dill. & A. Rich.) Walp. (roots), Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd (leaves), Vitellariopsis marginata (N.E. Br.) Aubrév (roots), Watsonia densiflora Bak. (corms), and Zanthoxylum capense (Thunb.) Harv. (roots)A detoxifying and energizing tonic used to increase sexual prowess and relieve constipation, stress, high blood pressure, arthritis, kidney problems, and general body painsSouth Africa[60]

Isihlambezo decoctionAgapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmans (roots), Callilepis laureola DC. (roots), Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Bosse (leaves), Combretum erythrophyllum (Burch.) Sond. (roots), Crinum spp. (bulb), Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) W.T. Aiton (roots), G. perpensa (rhizomes), Gymnanthemum corymbosum (Thunb.) H. Rob. (roots), Pentanisia prunelloides (Klotzsch) Walp. (roots), Rhoicissus tridentata subsp. cuneifolia (roots), Scadoxus puniceus (bulb), and Typha capensis (Rohrb.) N.E.Br. (rhizome)Used to induce or augment labour and as postnatal medication to expel the afterbirth, administered to animals to expel the placenta and treatment of endometritisSouth Africa[16, 20, 2224, 27]

Re-JoovenaA concoction containing G. perpensa (0.3 mg/ml), Ocotea bullata (Burch.) E. Meyer (0.3 mg/ml), and unspecified quantities of Vitamin EUsed to treat haemorrhoids, pregnancy-related complications, painful breasts during menstruation, and management of several inflammatory disordersSouth Africa[67]