Research Article

Web-Based Evaluation System to Measure Learning Effectiveness in Kampo Medicine

Figure 1

(a) High achiever with 53 points. (b) Low achiever with 20 points. Representative portfolios shown according to correct answer rates for questions on the following 8-type fields of Kampo Medicine (KM): “qi-blood-fluid” theory; diagnosis based on concepts of the eight guiding factors and the six stages of disease transformation; “five-element” theory; pattern-based diagnostic procedures (four physical examinations of Kampo Medicine); pattern-based therapeutic theory (ho-sho sotai); the pharmacology of Kampo formulae and their components; evidence-based KM; and the history of KM. Red lines in (a) and (b) show the correct answer rates (on a scale of 100) for a high achiever with 53 points and a low achiever with 20 points, respectively. Yellow and green lines show the maximum and minimum correct answer rates, respectively, among the 117 MSs included in this study. The high and low achievers appeared to have different strengths and weaknesses in terms of the 8-type fields of KM. Patterns of correct answer rates in the 8-type fields of Kampo Medicine (KM) in represntative medical students.