Research Article

Ethnobotanical Study of Plants Used in the Management of HIV/AIDS-Related Diseases in Livingstone, Southern Province, Zambia

Table 1

Plants used to manage HIV/AIDS related diseases in Livingstone, Southern Province, Zambia.

FamilyBotanical nameVernacular name Growth formFrequency index, voucher numberDiseases treatedPlant parts used, preparation, and mode of administration

AcanthaceaeBarleria kirkii T. AndersonChavaniHerb13.3, L144HIV/AIDSLeaf decoction is drank
AmaranthaceaeAchyranthes aspera L. TantajuloHerb20.0, L186Cancer, pneumonia, cough, diarrhoea, fungal infections of the skin, genital wartsRoot infusion or whole plant decoction is drank; paste of plant is applied to skin
AnacardiaceaeLannea stuhlmannii (Engl.) Eyles Mungangacha, MuchecheTree83.3, L245Gonorrhoea, syphilis, herpes zoster, herpes
simplex, skin infections, HIV/AIDS
Crushed leaves or roots are boiled in water, decoction is drank; stem bark decoction is used to wash affected skin
AnacardiaceaeLannea discolor (Sond.) Engl. MungongwaTree50.0, L235Diarrhoea, gonorrhoeaFruit pulp eaten to relieve diarrhoea; root infusion drank to relieve gonorrhoea
AnnonaceaeFriesodielsia obovata (Benth.) Verdc. MuchingaShrub20.0, L216Skin rashesPounded leaves rubbed into skin
AnnonaceaeArtabotrys brachypetalus Benth. MulandabalaClimber13.3, L230Skin infectionsCrushed leaves rubbed into skin
ApiaceaeSteganotaenia araliacea Hochst. MupelewaTree60.0, L113HeadacheRoot decoction is drank
ArecaceaeHyphaene petersiana Klotzsch ex Mart. Kakunka, MapokweTree20.0, L217Malaria, cough, tuberculosis, skin rashes, sores related to STIs Palm fruit is eaten raw or boiled to treat malaria and cough; seeds are used to treat TB; sap is applied to heal skin rashes and STIs
AsclepiadaceaeFockea angustifolia K. Schum. Mutindika, NanyamaHerb83.3, L210CoughTuber is eaten raw
AsparagaceaeAsparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop MutandamyobaClimber50.0, L207EczemaWhole plant is crushed and rubbed into affected skin
AsparagaceaeSansevieria deserti N. E. Br.Musombo, MukonjeHerb13.3, L360Oral infectionsLeaves are chewed and then spitted
AsparagaceaeAsparagus racemosus Willd. Mutandamyoba, IlutwaClimber20.0, L433Pneumonia, cough, diarrhoea, syphilis Whole plant is boiled; decoction is drank
AsteraceaeVernonia amygdalina Delile MusoboyoShrub83.3, L481Coughs, tuberculosis, malariaLeaves are boiled; decoction is drank
Bignoniaceae Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.MuzungulaTree83.3, L485Syphilis, herpes simplex, diarrhoea, boils, colds, flu Stem bark and leaves are boiled
BurseraceaeCommiphora mollis Engl. MuntyokelaTree50.0, L312Treats swollen pancreas in patients on antiretroviral therapyStem bark is crushed and boiled; decoction is drank
CapparaceaeBoscia salicifolia Oliv.Mulaba, KabombweTree70.0, L406Syphilis, HIV/AIDSRoots are ground and left in water; infusion is drank
CapparaceaeCapparis tomentosa Lam. ChonsweShrub20.0, L329Syphilis rashes; HIV/AIDS; cryptococcal meningitis, oral candidiasis, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, chronic diarrhoeaRoots are crushed and boiled and decoction is drank; crushed leaves are applied to sores or soaked in water used to wash the mouth
CapparaceaeCleome hirta Oliv. Mulangazuba, KalungukachisiungwaHerb13.3, L303Pneumonia, tuberculosis, fungal infection of the skin, malaria Leaf infusion is drunk
CelastraceaeMaytenus senegalensis (Lam.) ExellMukubaShrub50.0, LV235TuberculosisLeaves are crushed and soaked in water; infusion is drank
CelastraceaeHippocratea africana Loes. ex Engl.MuleleClimber60.0, LV280Malaria Root decoction is drunk
ChrysobalanaceaeParinari curatellifolia Planch. ex Benth. Mubulabula, MulaTree13.3, LV245Toothache, diarrhoeaFruit eaten raw
ClusiaceaeGarcinia livingstonei T. Anderson Mutungwa, MukwanagaTree83.3, LV226Cryptococcal meningitis, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, skin rashes Tuberculosis chronic diarrhoeaFruit eaten raw or in porridge
Combretaceae Combretum collinum Fresen. Mukunza, MulamanaTree43.3, LV187Chronic diarrhoea, tuberculosis, coughRoots are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
CombretaceaeCombretum imberbe Wawra Mubimba, MuzwiliTree83.3, LV238General STIs, tuberculosisStem bark is crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
CombretaceaeCombretum apiculatum Sond.Mukalanga, Kalanga, NkalangaTree50.0, LV220General STI syndromes; tuberculosisStem bark is crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
CombretaceaeCombretum elaeagnoides KlotzschMukalanga, MukupoTree30.0, L576Malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhoeaFresh leaves are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
CombretaceaeCombretum hereroense SchinzNamazuboTree53.3, L437GonorrhoeaRoots are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
CombretaceaeTerminalia prunioides M. A. Lawson Mutala, Mukonono, MulumbuTree83.3, L247Gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV/AIDSOuter parts of roots are dried, crushed, and mixed with water overnight; infusion is drank
CombretaceaeCombretum mossambicense Engl. Numinambelele, Silutombolwa, MutombololoClimber36.7, LV475Gonorrhoea, syphilisFresh leaves are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is taken orally
CombretaceaeCombretum paniculatum Vent. MutomboloShrub50.0, L322Malaria, diarrhoeaLeaves are pounded and soaked in water; infusion is drank
ConnaraceaeByrsocarpus orientalis Baill. KazinginiShrub13.3, L521Skin abscesses and boils Young stems are cut and boiled, and decoction is applied to skin
DioscoreaceaeDioscorea cochleari-apiculata De Wild. MpamaClimber13.3, L511Syphilitic sores, chancroidRoot decoction drank
EbenaceaeDiospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC.MchenjaTree83.3, L109MalariaCrushed roots are boiled; filtrate is drank
EbenaceaeDiospyros quiloensis (Hiern) F. White MusiaabweleTree50.0, LV339Gonorrhoea, syphilis, malariaCrushed stem bark is boiled; filtrate is drank
EbenaceaeEuclea divinorum Hiern MunyansyabweliTree20.0, LV140Syphilis, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, oral candidiasis, abscesses, diarrhoeaRoots are ground and boiled in water and decoction is taken orally
ErythroxylaceaeErythroxylum zambesiacum N. Robson MubalubaluTree16.7, LV277Malaria, headacheRoots are cut into small pieces and boiled, and decoction is administered orally
EuphorbiaceaeCroton gratissimus Burch. Mungai, Kanunkila MpatiTree66.7, LV399SyphilisStem bark is boiled; decoction is drank and used to wash sores
EuphorbiaceaeCroton megalobotrys Müll. Arg. Mutua, MutuatuaTree60.0, S149GonorrhoeaLeaves are boiled and decoction is drank
EuphorbiaceaePseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Pax MukunyuTree23.3, S108Diarrhoea, pneumoniaStem bark decoction is drank
EuphorbiaceaeBridelia cathartica G. Bertol. MunyanyamendaShrub13.3, S154Oral infections, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, malariaLeaves and fruits are chewed raw to act as mouthwash; stem bark infusion is drank
EuphorbiaceaeMargaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G. L. Webster MulyankangaShrub16.7, S119Skin rashes and sores; headacheStem bark
EuphorbiaceaePhyllanthus reticulatus Lodd. MwichecheleShrub26.7, S260Herpes simplexCrushed leaves are rubbed to affected areas of skin
FabaceaeAcacia albida DelileMusangu, MuungaTree50.0, S100Syphilis sores, herpes zosterCrushed leaves and stem bark are applied to heal sores
FabaceaeAcacia nigrescens Oliv. Mwabaa, MukwenaTree60.0, S78Herpes zoster Leaves and stem bark are boiled, decoction used to
FabaceaeAcacia polyacantha Willd.Mumbu, Mukotokoto, LuntweleTree50.0, S63Gonorrhoea, herpes zosterLeaves and stem bark are crushed and boiled; decoction is drank or used to wash affected skin
FabaceaeAfzelia quanzensis Welw.Mupapa, MukambaTree76.7, S27General STIsLeaves are pounded and soaked in water overnight and then drank
FabaceaeAlbizia amara (Roxb.) Boivin Kankumbwila,MukangolaTree60.0, S44Gonorrhoea, diarrhoeaStem bark infusion is drank
Fabaceae Lonchocarpus capassa Rolfe MukololoTree13.3, S31Gonorrhoea, coughStem bark and leaves are mixed, crushed, soaked in water, and filtered and infusion is drank
FabaceaePeltophorum africanum Sond. MuzenzenzeTree83.3, K203General STIs, oral infectionsRoots are soaked in water and infusion is drank to treat STIs; leaves are crushed and soaked in water; infusion is used to wash mouth
FabaceaePterocarpus antunesii Harms MukamboTree26.7, K166DiarrhoeaStem bark infusion is drank
FabaceaeAcacia goetzei Harms MwabaTree46.7, K88Cough, pneumoniaRoot decoction is drank
FabaceaeAcacia nilotica Delile MukokaTree66.7, K56Tuberculosis, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, dental cariesTwigs used as chewing sticks to treat dental caries
FabaceaeCassia abbreviata Oliv.MululweTree83.3, K39Gonorrhoea, diarrhoeaRoot infusion is drank
FabaceaeDalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr. MusonkomoShrub13.3, K17DiarrhoeaRoot decoction is drank
FabaceaePiliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. MusekeseTree60.0, K12Coughs, skin rashes, gonorrhoea, syphilisStem bark and roots are boiled; decoction is drank to heal coughs and STIs; leaf infusion is used to wash infected skin
FabaceaeAcacia ataxacantha DC. LubamfwaShrub50.0, K60Gonorrhoea, syphilisRoots are boiled and decoction is drank
FabaceaeAcacia schweinfurthii Brenan & Exell Lubua, MokokaShrub33.3, L34Gonorrhoea, syphilisRoots, stem bark, and leaves are mixed, pounded, and soaked in water and infusion is drank
FabaceaeDichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. Katenge, MugeeShrub66.7, L79Gonorrhoea, syphilis; oral candidiasis, and skin rashesStem bark is boiled and decoction is drank, used to wash oral cavity, or used to disinfect skin by washing
FabaceaeMimosa pigra L. Muchabachaba, SichatubabiShrubs83.3, L56Diarrhoea, genital ulcers, gonorrhoeaLeaves and small and young stems are dried, pounded into powder, mixed with water, and filtered and extract is drank or used to wash genital ulcers
FabaceaeSesbania sesban Britton MbelembeleShrub13.3, L77MalariaRoots are boiled and decoction is administered orally
FabaceaeIndigofera colutea (Burm. f.) Merr. KapalupaluHerb13.3, L59DiarrhoeaWhole plant is pounded, soaked in water overnight, and filtered, and infusion is drank to alleviate diarrhoea
FabaceaeAbrus precatorius L. MusolosoloClimber60.0, KC280Gonorrhoea, syphilitic ulcers, genital herpes; oral candidiasis, ulcer boilsWhole plant is crushed, boiled in water, and filtered; decoction is drank; crushed leaves soaked in water and used to wash mouth and syphilitic ulcers
FabaceaeMucuna pruriens (L.) DC. MuyuyuClimber20.0, KC245Weight loss, lack of libido in menPods and beans are boiled and consumed for body building and to act as an aphrodisiac
FlacourtiaceaeFlacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merr. MutumbulaShrub13.3, KC350DiarrhoeaLeaves chewed raw
FlacourtiaceaeOncoba spinosa Forssk. MukumbuzuShrub16.7, KC2DysenteryRoots and fruits are boiled and decoction is drunk
KirkiaceaeKirkia acuminata Oliv. Musanta, MuzuminaTree13.3, KC18DiarrhoeaStem bark infusion is drank
LamiaceaeVitex payos (Lour.) Merr. Mfudu, MuyankongaTree30.0, KC36CoughsFruit eaten raw or leaves burnt and smoke inhaled as cough medicine
LamiaceaeHoslundia opposita Vahl MusombwaniShrub60.0, KC48Coughs, flu, fever, loss of libido in men; skin woundsRoots are boiled and decoction is drunk; sugary fruits are eaten raw to boost libido; crushed leaves are rubbed into skin to heal wounds
LamiaceaePremna senensis Klotzsch MumpikaShrub13.3, KC360Syphilitic sores, skin ulcersLeaf infusions applied to sores
LamiaceaeVitex petersiana Klotzsch Mufulibulimbo, MukomaShrub23.3, KC312GonorrhoeaLeaf decoction is drank to treat gonorrhoea;
LamiaceaeClerodendrum capitatum (Willd.) Schumach. ShamanyaHerb60.0, L402Gonorrhoea, erectile dysfunction, pneumonia, diarrhoea Leaf and root decoctions drunk
LoganiaceaeStrychnos potatorum L. f. MusisilombeTree40.0, KC464SyphilisInfusions of leaves are drank
LoganiaceaeStrychnos innocua Delile Mutimi, Muhuluhulu, MwaboTree20.0, KC216Gonorrhoea, sore throatEat fruit pulp
MalvaceaeAzanza garckeana (F. Hoffm.) Exell & Hillc. Makole, MunegoTree60.0, KC143Malaria Eat raw fruit, cook, and eat as relish
MalvaceaeSida alba L. Mulyangombe, BabaniShrub20.0, KC525GonorrhoeaRoots and leaves are boiled; decoction is drank
MalvaceaeHibiscus vitifolius L. MubalubaHerbChronic diarrhoeaLeaves are boiled and filtered through wire sieve and decoction is drank
MeliaceaeKhaya nyasica Stapf ex Baker f. MululuTree43.3, KC113FeverStem bark infusion is drank
MeliaceaeTrichilia emetica VahlMusikiliTree56.7, KC217Fever, pneumonia; skin rashes Root decoction is drunk; leaves rubbed onto skin
MenispermaceaeCissampelos mucronata A. Rich. ItendeClimber73.3, KC210Syphilis, chancroidWhole plant is cut into small pieces and boiled and decoction is drank after filtering
MoraceaeFicus capensis Hort. Berol. ex Kunth & C. D. Bouché MukuyuTree60.0, KC207Diarrhoea, tuberculosis, skin sores, genital wartsFresh leaves are boiled in water and decoction is drank or used to wash warts and skin sores
MoraceaeFicus sycomorus L.MukuyuTree76.7, KC360Cough, tuberculosis, periodontitis, and oral candidiasis Fresh leaves are boiled in water and decoction is drank or used to wash the mouth
MyrtaceaeSyzygium cordatum Hochst.KatopeTree83.3, KC433DiarrhoeaStem bark decoction is drunk
MyrtaceaeSyzygium guineense DC.Mutoya, KatopeTree83.3, KC481Abscesses, skin rashes, diarrhoeaFruits eaten raw; stem decoction applied to affected skin
OlacaceaeXimenia americana L. Munchovwa, MuchonfwaTree83.3, KC318Candidiasis, malaria, throat infection, tonsillitis, gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, skin rashesRoots, leaves, and fruits are crushed while fresh and mixed with water overnight and taken orally
PedaliaceaeSesamum angolense Welw. BwengoHerb13.3, KC267Skin rashesLeaves are crushed and used as soap to bath skin
PlumbaginaceaePlumbago zeylanica L. SikalutentaShrub83.3, KC318Generally treats all STI symptoms Root infusion is drank
RanunculaceaeClematis brachiata Ker Gawl. KalatongoClimber20.0, KC354Coughs, headache, feverLeaves are boiled and drunk as a tea; sometimes honey is added as a sweetener
RhamnaceaeBerchemia discolor (Klotzsch) Hemsl. Mwiiyi, MwinjiTree60.0, KC235CoughUse fruit in porridge
RhamnaceaeZiziphus mauritiana Lam.Masawu, MasawuTree40.0, KC226Gonorrhoea, syphilisFruit eaten raw, apply to wound, and put into porridge
RhamnaceaeZiziphus mucronata Willd. Muchechete, MwichecheteTree83.3, KC144Gonorrhoea, syphilis, boils, pneumonia, cough Root or leaf infusion is drank
SapotaceaeMimusops zeyheri Sond. MukalanjoniTree40.0, KC120Oral candidiasisFruit is eaten or root infusion is used as a mouthwash
TiliaceaeGrewia flavescens Juss. Namulomo, MukunyukunyuShrub40.0, KC199DiarrhoeaEat fruit pulp to relieve diarrhoea
TiliaceaeCorchorus tridens L. DeleleHerb13.3, KC101Syphilitic ulcers, chancroid Root infusion drank or applied to ulcers
VitaceaeCissus quadrangularis L. Mulungalunga, ChamulungelungeClimber40.0, KC78Malaria, gonorrhoea Sap is drank; whole plant infusion is drank