Research Article

Effect of Aurantii Fructus Immaturus Flavonoid on the Contraction of Isolated Gastric Smooth Muscle Strips in Rats

Table 2

AFIF concentration dependently reduced the mean contraction amplitude of PCSMS in different Ca2+ environment (mean ± SD).

AdministrationMean contraction amplitude (%)

NS (control)10100.03 ± 3.40101.81 ± 3.3597.38 ± 7.35
AFIF, 3 μg/mL1098.06 ± 4.9797.60 ± 2.9298.26 ± 6.47
AFIF, 30 μg/mL1095.04 ± 11.3495.39 ± 7.7193.92 ± 5.16
AFIF, 300 μg/mL1084.47 ± 19.3782.88 ± 19.8981.85 ± 10.32
AFIF, 3000 μg/mL1059.96 ± 22.0952.60 ± 17.8270.95 ± 22.02
AFIF, 6000 μg/mL1034.15 ± 31.0340.58 ± 18.2947.45 ± 17.39
AFIF, 10000 μg/mL103.96 ± 9.0024.31 ± 16.9034.78 ± 16.33

and versus control.