Research Article

Effect of Aurantii Fructus Immaturus Flavonoid on the Contraction of Isolated Gastric Smooth Muscle Strips in Rats

Table 4

Effect of AFIF on mean contraction amplitude of PCSMS after pretreatments of Ach, neostigmine, or atropine (mean ± SD).

AdministrationMean contraction amplitude (%)
Acetylcholine chlorideNeostigmineAtropine

Pretreatment7197.15 ± 35.45501.95 ± 109.7470.89 ± 11.04
AFIF, 3 μg/mL7156.05 ± 17.67422.00 ± 153.1172.54 ± 13.81
AFIF, 30 μg/mL7154.02 ± 24.67418.91 ± 128.0570.80 ± 14.47
AFIF, 300 μg/mL7156.94 ± 28.02384.70 ± 79.8067.23 ± 17.47
AFIF, 3000 μg/mL7130.39 ± 19.52299.94 ± 82.5945.08 ± 14.38
AFIF, 6000 μg/mL790.40 ± 22.20166.69 ± 76.8538.80 ± 19.69
AFIF, 10000 μg/mL752.64 ± 23.0176.62 ± 65.4715.03 ± 22.90

and versus pretreatment.