Research Article

Complementary Medicine Health Literacy among a Population of Older Australians Living in Retirement Villages: A Mixed Methods Study

Table 3

Participant response to the health literacy scales of the HLQ.

Health literacy scaleMSD

How strongly do you disagree or agree (1–4 point scale)
 Having sufficient information to manage my health693.200.54
 Feeling understood and supported by health care providers713.190.52
 Actively managing my health713.140.44
 Social support for health713.000.54
 Appraisal of health information692.900.49
How difficult or easy the following tasks are for you now (5 point scale cannot do to always easy)
 Ability to actively engage with health care providers694.030.62
 Understand health information well enough to know what to do704.000.58
 Ability to find good information703.840.65
 Navigating the health care system713.880.61

M: mean; SD: standard deviation.