Review Article

Potential Health Benefits of Deep Sea Water: A Review

Table 3

Effects of deep sea water on cholesterol levels.

Type of study modelExperimental method [subject (age/weight), treatment dosage, duration of treatment]Major activityMechanism of actionReference

In vivo studyHigh fat diet (HFD) male Wistar rats (200–220 g), DSW 1,000 hardness, ad libitum, 4 weeksIncreased the level of HDL-C.ND.[19]

In vivo studyCholesterol-fed diet (CFD) male New Zealand white rabbits (1500–2000 g) fed diet containing 3.75, 37.5, and 75 mg/kg of Mg, DSW 1410 hardness, 8 weeks Improved plasma total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and LDL-C levels.
Improved the protein expression of AMPK phosphorylation, ACC phosphorylation, and HMGCR.[6]

In vivo studyHigh cholesterol diet (HCD) ICR mice (7 weeks), reverse osmosis (RO DSW) (44.6 hardness), electrodialysis (ED DSW) (4685.9 hardness) and 10% (v/v) dilution with ddH2O 10% DSW (544.2 hardness), ad libitum, 8 weeksReduced the level of TG, TC, and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) levels in the serum and liver of animal models, respectively.Increase in daily faecal lipid of TG and TC and bile acid outputs.
HFD Hamster (5 weeks), DSW 300, 900, 1500 hardness, ad libitum, 6 weeksIncrease in daily faecal lipid of TG and TC and bile acid outputs.
Upregulated hepatic low-density-lipoprotein receptor (LDL receptor) and cholesterol-7a-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) gene expressions.

Type of study modelMale hyperlipidemia rabbits (1.8–2.0 g), DSW 1200 hardness, 150 ml/d, ad libitum, 12 weeksReduced plasma TC and plasma LDL cholesterol level.
Increased plasma HDL cholesterol.

In vivo studyMale Wistar rats (90 g), DSW containing 200, 600, and 1000 mg/L of Mg, ad libitum, 4 weeksAttenuated plasma TC.ND.[22, 23]

Clinical studyHypercholesterolemic individuals (23 men and 19 women), DSW (1410 hardness), supplemented 1050 mL daily, 6 weeks Decreased serum TC and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C).
Decreased lipid peroxidation in hypercholesterolemic subjects.[4]

Clinical studyCFD and hyperlipemia male Japanese rabbits, DSW hardness of 28, 300, and 1200, 150 ml/d, ad libitum, 4 weeksReduced TC and LDL-C levels in hyperlipemia rabbits.
Prevented increase of TC and LDL-C levels in CFD rabbits.

ND: not described.