Research Article

Protective Effects of Wogonin against Alzheimer’s Disease by Inhibition of Amyloidogenic Pathway

Figure 5

Wogonin alleviated the memory deficits in eight 3xTg-AD mice. Mice were injected [intraperitoneally (i.p.)] with 10 mg/kg wogonin every other day from the 8th to the 24th week of age. (a) The body weights of the mice were measured every 2 weeks from the 6th to the 24th week of age. (b) 16-week-old mice were subjected to water maze experiments without platform, and the time spent in quadrants was measured. Representative path tracing was presented in the lower panel. (c) Probe trial of water maze experiments was conducted in the 24-week-old mice, and the time spent in quadrants was measured. Representative path tracing was presented in the lower panel, and the results are shown as mean ± SEM, , , .