Research Article

Effect of Sheng-Jiang Powder on Obesity-Induced Multiple Organ Injuries in Rats

Figure 3

The histological images of rats’ organs in all of the three experimental groups. Hematoxylin-eosin counterstain. Histological images are presented with original magnification 200x. The histological images of rats’ organs from (a)–(c) exhibited tissue damage of rats in NG, OG, and SG, separately. Distinct changes were observed in different organs of obese rats (b), including enlarged hepatocytes (yellow arrow), extensive vacuolization (orange arrow), inflammatory cells infiltration (blue arrow), tissue edema (green arrow), myocardial early infarction (brown arrow), follicular degeneration (purple arrow), and necrosis (black arrow). These histological changes were partly reversed by SJP administration for 10 weeks (5 g/Kg·bw/day) (c).