Research Article

Observational Study of the Association between TCM Zheng and Types of Coronary Artery Stenosis: Protocol of a Multicenter Case Series Study

Table 2

Indications for revascularization in patients with stable coronary artery disease.

Extent of CHDClassLevel

For prognosis
 Left main disease with stenosis >50%IA
 Any proximal LAD stenosis >50%IA
 Two-vessel or three-vessel disease with stenosis >50% with impaired LV function (LVEF<40%)IA
 Large area of ischaemia (>10% LV)IA
 Single remaining patent coronary artery with stenosis >50%IB
For symptomsIC
 Any coronary stenosis >50% in the presence of limiting angina or angina equivalent, unresponsive to medical therapyIA

LAD: left anterior descending coronary artery; LV: left ventricular.