Research Article

Gastroprotective Mechanism and Ulcer Resolution Effect of Cyrtocarpa procera Methanolic Extract on Ethanol-Induced Gastric Injury

Figure 4

Normal control. Mice stomach appearance without any treatment. (a) Macroscopic view of a fresh dissected stomach without injuries. (b), (c), and (d) Bright-field microscopic views of 5 μm thickness sagittal sections of the glandular portion of the stomach, stained with PAS. (b) Panoramic histochemical appearance showing tissue architectural integrity. Fuchsia clusters indicate PAS positivity and the presence of neutral mucus surrounding the mucosal epithelium. Dashed boxes: right, magnification to show mucus presence; left, histological status of the tissue. (c) Histological observation of the gastric mucosa showing well-organized mucosa structures without basal inflammatory infiltrate. (d) Histochemical analysis of the normal gastric mucosa of mice displaying PAS-positive neutral mucosubstances that predominate in the entire gastric surface.