Research Article

Hyperthermic Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Extract-Containing Beverage on Peripheral Skin Surface Temperature in Women

Figure 4

Hedonic (a) and sensory (b) evaluation of ginger-containing beverages. Each value is expressed in terms of hedonic sensation (a) and sensory evaluation (b) among three types of ginger-containing beverages. (a) was a measure of the overall hedonic perception of the drinks containing ginger extract and (b) was a measure of the flavor characteristics of the drinks. The contents of gingerols, including 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol, were 0.116% (■), 0.35% (♦), and 0.817% (▲), and they are shown as mean ± SD (n = 23). Test scales were classified as (a) −3 = strongly dislike, −2 = dislike, −1 = slightly dislike, 0 = neither like nor dislike, 1 = somewhat like, 2 = like, and 3 = strongly like and (b) −3 = extremely weak, −2 = weak, −1 = somewhat weak, 0 = moderate, 1 = somewhat strong, 2 = strong, and 3 = extremely strong. Values with different letters indicate a significant difference at p < 0.05 (Friedman test).