Research Article

Comparison of Biological Properties of Two Medicinal Extracts of the Tehuacan-Cuicatlan Valley

Figure 3

Wound healing histology for each group, 10 days after surgery. (a) group I: normal skin; (b): group II: positive control (Recoveron-N®); (c): group III: untreated; (d): group IV: MeCp 10%; and (e): group V: MeBm 10%. Hematoxylin & Eosin staining shows the collagen fibers stained pale pink, the cytoplasm stained purple, the nuclei stained blue, and the red blood cells stained cherry red at 10X magnification. Bar = 100 μm, Ep = Epidermis, D = dermis, Mt = Muscular tissue, Sg = Sebaceous gland, Hf = Hair follicle, Bv = Blood vessel, and S = Scab.