Research Article

Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties of the Extract, Tiliroside, and Patuletin 3-O-β-D-Glucopyranoside from Pfaffia townsendii (Amaranthaceae)

Table 1

Compounds identified in ethanol extract from Pfaffia townsendii using ESI (-)-MS/MS and ESI(+)-MS analyses.

CompoundDeprotonated ions [M-H]-m/zMS/MS ions m/z

Malic acid13315 eV: 133→115
Caffeic acid17915 eV: 179→125
Quinic acid19125 eV: 191→173, 127, 111, 93, 85
Ferulic acid19515 eV: 193→178, 149, 134
Patuletin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside49315 eV: 493
Tiliroside59415 eV: 594→308, 288