Review Article

Central and Peripheral Mechanism of Acupuncture Analgesia on Visceral Pain: A Systematic Review

Table 1

Search terms used in each database.

DatabaseSearch terms

PUBMED(acupuncture [MeSH Terms] OR acupuncture [All Fields] OR acupoint [All Fields] OR electroacupuncture [MeSH Terms] OR electroacupuncture [All Fields]) AND (“visceral pain” [MeSH Terms] OR “visceral pain” [All Fields] OR (visceral [All Fields] AND (pain [All Fields] OR pain [MeSH Term])) OR (visceral [All Fields] AND (hyperalgesia [All Fields] OR hyperalgesia [MeSH Terms])))
EMBASEvisceral AND (“pain”/exp OR pain OR “hyperalgesia”/exp OR hyperalgesia OR algesia) AND (“acupuncture”/exp OR acupuncture OR “electroacupuncture”/exp OR electroacupuncture OR acupoint)
MEDLINE(visceral and (pain or hyperalgesia or algesia) and (acupuncture or electroacupuncture or acupoint)).mp.
Cochrane Libraryvisceral AND (pain OR hyperalgesia OR algesia) AND (acupuncture OR electroacupuncture OR acupoint)