Research Article

Medicinal Plants Traded in Informal Herbal Medicine Markets of the Limpopo Province, South Africa

Table 1

List of plants recorded in informal herbal medicine markets in the Limpopo province, South Africa.

FamilyScientific nameHabitConservation statusPart usedMedicinal usesFrequency (%)

AcanthaceaeSclerochiton ilicifolius A. MeeuseTreeLCRootsHypertension and malaria28.6

AmaryllidaceaeClivia caulescens R.A. DyerHerbNTRootsPolice evasion54.3

AmaryllidaceaeBoophone disticha (L.f.) Herb.HerbLCBulbCancer, diabetes mellitus and kidney problem25.7

AmaryllidaceaeAmmocharis coranica (Ker Gawl.) Herb.HerbLCBulbHypertension and blood cancer25.7

AmaryllidaceaeClivia miniata var. citrinaHerbDDTBulbHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV), arthritis, skin disorder and tuberculosis22.9

AnacampserotaceaeTalinum caffrum (Thunb.) Eckl. & ZeyhHerbLCRootsEye disorder14.3

AnacampserotaceaeTalinum crispatulum DinterHerbLCRootsKidney and womb problem25.7

AnacardiaceaeProtorhus longifolia (Bernh.) EnglTreeLCBarkTooth decay and bad breath, laxative and poison/kill people22.9

AnacardiaceaeLannea schweinfurthii (Engl) Engl var. stuhlmannii (Engl)TreeLCRootsCause memory loss and increase milk production in pregnant woman25.7

AnnonaceaeAnnona senegalensis Pers.TreeLCRootsChlamydia and malaria8.6

ApiaceaeAlepidea amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh.HerbENRoots and whole plantTo attract customers and protection from theft, flu and colds and diabetes100.0

ApocynaceaeAcokanthera rotundata (Codd) KupichaTreeLCBarkHeadache and sinusitis11.4

ApocynaceaeMondia whitei (Hook.f.) SkeelsHerbENRoots and fruitsStamina and diabetes5.7

AraceaeStylochaeton natalensis SchottHerbLCRootsWaist pain in men25.7

AraceaeZantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng.HerbLCRootsChlamydia and measles5.7

AsparagaceaeAsparagus aethiopicus L.HerbLCRootsAttract customers and skin protection for people living with albinism22.9

AsteraceaeCallilepis salicifolia Oliv.HerbLCRootsFlu, cough and stomach ache2.9

AsteraceaeCallilepsis laureola DC.HerbLCTuberTuberculosis and asthma54.3

AsteraceaeDicoma anomala Sond.HerbLCTuberTuberculosis and flu8.6

AsteraceaeHelichrysum cymosum (L.) D. Don subsp. calvum HilliardShrubLCWhole plantAsthma, call ancestors, cough and tuberculosis5.7

AsteraceaeSenecio gregatus HilliardShrubLCLeavesBody cleansing22.9

AsteraceaeSenecio serratuloides DC.ShrubLCLeavesBody cleansing and HIV symptoms22.9

BrassicaceaeCapparis sepiaria L. var. subglabra (Oliv) DeWolfShrubLCRootsProtection from lightning and nose bleed2.9

CanellaceaeWarburgia salutaris (G.Bertol.) Chiov.TreeENBarkAsthma, blood disorders, impotency, skin disorders, sores and tuberculosis100.0

CapparaceaeCapparis tomentosa Lam.ShrubLCBarkHome protection11.4

CaryophyllaceaDianthus basuticus BurttHerbLCRootsWin court cases22.9

CelastraceaeCatha edulis (Vahl) Forssk ex EndlTreeLCLeavesEnergy booster and stamina14.3

CelastraceaeElaeodendron transvaalense (Burtt) R H ArcherTreeNTBarkTuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections (STI)2.9

CelastraceaePleurostylia capensis (Turcz.) Loes.TreeLCRootsEyes disorders and mental illnesses28.6

ClusiaceaeGarcinia gerrardii Harv. ex SimTreeLCRootsLack of appetite20.0

CombretaceaeCombretum molle R.Br. ex G.DonTreeLCRootsSkin disorders and tuberculosis8.6

CommelinaceaeCommelina subulata RothHerbLCSeedsCause memory loss5.7

DioscoreaceaeDioscorea sylvatica Eckl.HerbVUBulbFoot disorder and body pains54.3

DioscoreaceaeDioscorea dregeana (Kunth) T Durand & SchinzHerbLCTuberFoot disorder, body pains, malaria and to oppress opponents54.3

DipsacaceaeScabiosa columbaria L.HerbLCRootsAssist people to stop drinking alcohol, quench thirst and oral infections20.0

EbenaceaeDiospyros lycioides Desf subsp sericea (Bernh) De WinterTreeLCRootsCancer, chest pains and STI11.4

EbenaceaeEuclea crispa (Thunb.) Gürke subsp. crispaTreeLCRootsStomach ailments22.9

EbenaceaeDiospyros galpinii (Hiern) De WinterShrubLCRootsBody cleansing and laxative2.9

FabaceaeVigna frutescens A Rich subsp frutescens var. frutescensHerbLCRootsStomach ailments and diarrhoea20.0

FabaceaePterocarpus angolensis DC.TreeLCBarkUsed to cause harm/death22.9

FabaceaeErythrina lysistemon Hutch.TreeLCBarkCancer, cough, malaria, tuberculosis and skin rash5.7

FabaceaePeltophorum africanum Sond.TreeLCBarkCleanse body, treat bad luck and HIV symptoms20.0

FabaceaeMundulea sericea (Willd.) A. Chev.TreeLCBarkTuberculosis and menstrual disorders20.0

FabaceaeAlbizia adianthifolia (Shumach.) W. WightTreeLCBarkMental illnesses, sores and malaria11.4

FabaceaeElephantorrhiza elephantina (Burch.) SkeelsShrubLCRootsBlood disorders, diarrhoea, HIV symptoms and purgative17.1

GentianaceaeEnicostema axillare (Lam.) A.Raynal subsp. AxillareHerbLCWhole plantDiabetes100.0

GeraniaceaePelargonium capitatum (L.) L'Hér.HerbLCRootsMenstrual pains and labour pains17.1

GeraniaceaeMonsonia angustifolia Sond.HerbLCWhole plantDiabetes, hypertension, body cleansing, impotency and increase appetite100.0

HyacinthaceaeDrimia elata Jacq.HerbDDTBulbBlood related ailments, periods pains and womb problem100.0

HyacinthaceaeMerwilla plumbea (Lindl.) SpetaShrubNTBulbBody cleansing, skin rash in babies and promote vomiting of impure milk in babies14.3

HyacinthaceaeUrginea sanguinea ShinzHerbLCBulbHypertension, diabetes, blood clotting, body pains and STI20.0

HyacinthaceaeEucomis autumnalis (Mill.) ChittHerbLCBulbBody pains, hypertension and STI100.0

HyacinthaceaeEucomis pallidiflora Baker subsp pole-evansii (N E Br) Reyneke ex J C ManningHerbNTBulbBody pains, hypertension, malaria, STI and tuberculosis17.1

HypoxidaceaeHypoxis obtusa Burch. ex Ker Gawl.HerbLCBulbBlood disorders, diabetes, hypertension and infertility34.3

HypoxidaceaeHypoxis hemerocallidea Fisch, C A Mey & Avé-LallHerbLCTuberCancer, diabetes, energy booster, hypertension, tuberculosis, infertility and HIV100.0

IcacinaceaePyrenacantha grandiflora Baill.ShrubLCRootsEye disorders and body pains20.0

KirkiaceaeKirkia wilmsii EnglTreeLCBulbArthritis, diabetes, hypertension and quench thirst11.4

LiliaceaeBowiea volubilis Harv. ex Hook.f.HerbVUBulbBlood disorder, cancer and good luck54.3

MalvaceaeDombeya rotundifolia Hochst.TreeLCRootsDiarrhoea and stomach ailments8.6

MalvaceaeAdansonia digitata L.TreeLCBarkStamina, infertility, impotency and respiratory infections14.3

MeliaceaeEkebergia capensis Sparrm.TreeLCRootsBlood cancer and STI11.4

MeliaceaeTrichilia emetica Vahl subsp. EmeticTreeLCRootsBody cleansing5.7

MolluginaceaePsammotropha marginata (Thunb.) DruceHerbDDTRootsEyes disorders and body pains17.1

MoraceaeFicus ingens (Miq.) Miq.TreeLCBarkSores and stomach disorders14.3

MyrsinaceaeRapanea melanophloeos (L.) MezTreeLCRootsCancer, wounds and womb problem8.6

OlacaceaeXimenia caffra Sond var. caffraTreeLCRootsStomach disorders17.1

OleaceaeOlea europaea L subsp. africana (Mill) P S GreenTreeLCRootsFacilitate birth, cough and tuberculosis8.6

PassifloraceaeAdenia spinosa Burtt DavyShrubLCBulbBath a baby to promote weight gain14.3

PolygalaceaeSecuridaca longepedunculata Fresen.TreeLCRootsCough, flu, improve men's fertility and impotency57.1

RhamnaceaeZiziphus mucronata Willd. subsp. mucronataTreeLCRootsCough, STI, sores, tuberculosis and wounds14.3

RosaceaePrunus africana (Hook.f.) KalkmanTreeVUBarkColds, cough, flu, HIV, stomach complaints and tuberculosis11.4

RutaceaeZanthoxylum capense (Thunb.) Harv.TreeLCRootsAsthma, colds, cough, fix bad situations, flu, sores and tuberculosis62.9

RutaceaeBrackenridgea zanguebarica Oliv.TreeCRRootsReverse bad luck, protect household and protection from evil spirits57.1

SantalaceaeOsyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud.TreeLCRootsAttract a woman/man, cause harm/death to people, strengthen a household, reproductive problems and malaria28.6

ThymelaeaceaLasiosiphon caffer Meisn.HerbLCRootsAsthma, colds, cough and tuberculosis14.3

ThymelaeaceaeSynaptolepis oliveriana GilgShrubNTRootsGood luck14.3

VitaceaeRhoicissus tomentosa (Lam) Wild & R B DrummundHerbLCRootsCancer, cough and tuberculosis17.1

ZamiaceaeEncephalartos woodii SanderTreeEWBulbProtection against harm2.9

ZingiberaceaeSiphonochilus aethiopicus (Schweinf.) B.L.BurttHerbCRBulbAsthma, colds, cough, body pains, flu, HIV symptoms and good luck100.0