Research Article

A Mixed-Methods, Randomized Clinical Trial to Examine Feasibility of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Management and Diabetes Risk Reduction Intervention for African Americans with Prediabetes

Table 1

Diabetes Risk Questionnaire (DRQ): Screening Step 1.


Are you a woman who has had a baby weighing more than 9 pounds at birth?10
Do you have a sister or brother with diabetes?10
Do you have a parent with diabetes?10
Have you been told that you have high blood pressure?20
Have you been told that your cholesterol (lipid) levels are abnormal?20
Find your height on the chart.
Do you weigh as much as or more than the weight listed for your height?50
Are you under 65 years old and get little or no exercise in a typical day?50
Are you between 45 and 64 years old?50
Do you have an African-American or Hispanic or American Indian family background?50
Are you 65 years old or older?90

Notes: Participants were instructed to add the number of points listed for each “Yes” answer, and speak with study staff if the score was 10 or greater. Participants were provided with a body mass index chart with a list of heights and corresponding weights meeting overweight status.