Research Article

Rho-Kinase II Inhibitory Potential of Eurycoma longifolia New Isolate for the Management of Erectile Dysfunction

Table 2

IC50 of aqueous extract (AE) of E. longifolia root, its fractions, and its isolates expressed as mean ± SD. Assay was performed in triplicates

SampleIC50 (ng/ml)

AE651.1 ± 32.9
MeCl162.8 ± 3.35
D1105 ± 3.56
D2153 ± 14.1#
D391.1 ± 6.63
D4189.3 ± 21.9
T16141 ± 540
T2358 ± 31.1
T3525 ± 42.8
T4794 ± 95.5
T5829 ± 41
T6677 ± 51.1
T71112 ± 73.7
T81441 ± 175
Y-27632192 ± 8.37

IC50 values are mean ± SD. Statistical analysis was carried out by one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test. n=3
Significantly different from Y-27632 at P < 0.001
# Significant different from Y-27632 at P < 0.01
AE: aqueous extract; D1: water (100%); D2: methanol-water (50%); D3: methanol-water (75%); D4: methanol (100%) diaion fractions; MeCl: methylene chloride fraction; T1: stigmasterol; T2: trans-coniferyl aldehyde; T3: scopoletin; T4: eurycomalactone; T6: 6α- hydroxyeurycomalactone; T6: eurycomanone; T7: eurycomanol; T8: and eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside.