Research Article

The Antitumor Effect of Curcumin in Urothelial Cancer Cells Is Enhanced by Light Exposure In Vitro

Figure 5

Protein expression profile of cell cycle regulating proteins and histone H3 and H4 acetylation in RT112, UMUC3, or TCCSUP cells after exposure to 0.1 or 0.4 μg/ml curcumin alone or with curcumin plus visible light. Controls (0) received cell culture medium alone. ß-actin served as the internal control. One representative of three separate experiments is shown. w.o. = without; n.d. = not detectable. The right panel shows the pixel density of the curcumin plus light protein bands. Pixel densities for p19, p27, aH3, and aH4 are not shown, since they were not detectable in all cell lines. The ratio of protein intensity/β-actin intensity was calculated and expressed as a percentage of the controls, set to 100%. Significant difference to controls, p≤0.05.