Research Article

Reclamation of Astragalus By-Product through Dietary Inclusion in Ruminant Diets: Effects on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation, Blood Biochemical Parameters, and Humoral Immune Response in Sheep

Table 1

Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets.

ItemDietary treatments1
Control10% ABP15% ABP

Ingredient (g/kg of DM)
Leymus chinensis258250220
Corn straw175145145
Astragalus by-product0100150
Distillers dried grains with solubles1406940
Corn gluten meal9911597
Sodium chloride888
Calcium carbonate151515
Dicalcium phosphate444
Sodium bicarbonate888

Chemical composition (g/kg DM)3
Dry matter (g/kg fresh weight)887887887
Crude protein124124124
Neutral detergent fibre437436430
Acid detergent fibre260269273
Metabolizable energy (Mj/kg)101010

1ABP, Astragalus by-product; 2supplied per kg of diets: vitamin A, 15,000 IU; vitamin D, 2,000 IU; vitamin E, 55 IU; Fe, 50 mg; Co, 0.2 mg; Cu, 12.0 mg; Se, 0.5 mg; Mn, 50 mg; I, 0.55 mg; Zn, 25 mg; 3nutrient levels were all measured values except metabolizable energy.