Research Article

Fortified S-Allyl L-Cysteine: Animal Safety, Effect on Retinal Ischemia, and Role of Wnt in the Underlying Therapeutic Mechanism

Figure 3

Pre- and postischemia administration of SAC protected the rat against retinal ischemia as seen by the ERG recordings. (a) The effect of SAC on the ERG b-wave amplitude of an eye subjected to ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). As compared with the normal group (normalized to 1), the b-wave amplitude decreased drastically in the Vehicle + I/R group that received I/R and pre-ischemia administration of vehicle. This ischemia-induced decrease was significantly alleviated by the preischemia administration of SAC (SAC 0.018/0.0018 mg + I/R) or postischemia administration of SAC (I/R + SAC 0.0018 mg). (b) After ischemia treatment, there was significant ERG b-wave ratio reduction, when the rat is provided with 4 weeks of preischemia daily oral ingestion of the same volume of vehicle (). As compared with Vehicle + I/R, the ischemia-induced ERG b-wave ratio reduction was significantly counteracted in the “SAC 0.0018 mg + I/R” or “I/R + SAC 0.0018 mg” group (). The results are represented as mean ± S.E.M. (n = 5∼9). SAC, S-allyl L-cysteine; ERG, electroretinogram.