Research Article

Insight into the Mechanisms Underlying the Tracheorelaxant Properties of the Sideritis raeseri Extract

Figure 2

The dose-dependent relaxant effect of the S. raeseri extract on CCh- and KCl-induced tracheal ring smooth muscle contractions. Arithmetic means ± SEM (n = 5-6 segments, each taken from a different rabbit) of the tracheorelaxant function of the S. raeseri extract (0.3–2 mg/mL, grey bars) on tracheal muscle contraction induced by CCh (1 μM) (a) and KCl (80 mM) (b). Results are expressed relative to values obtained at 1 g of contraction response. denotes statistical significance (; t-test) from the absence of the S. raeseri extract. indicates significance (; t-test) from the absence of the S. raeseri extract.