Review Article

Acupuncture for the Postcholecystectomy Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

Search strategy for the PubMed database.

#1 postcholecystectomy syndrome[Title/Abstract]
#2 cholecystectomy[Title/Abstract]
#3 cholecystotomy[Title/Abstract]
#4 cystectomy[Title/Abstract]
#5 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4
#6 acupuncture therapy[Title/Abstract]
#7 acupuncture-moxibustion[Title/Abstract]
#8 meridian[Title/Abstract]
#9 electro-acupuncture[Title/Abstract]
#10 #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9
#11 acupoint[Title/Abstract]
#12 acupuncture points[Title/Abstract]
#13 acupressure[Title/Abstract]
#14 acupressure-acupuncture therapy[Title/Abstract]
#15 #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14
#16 warm needling[Title/Abstract]
#17 moxa needle[Title/Abstract]
#18 acupuncture plus moxibustion[Title/Abstract]
#19 moxibustion with warming needle[Title/Abstract]
#20 #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19
#21 auricular acupuncture[Title/Abstract]
#22 auricular needle[Title/Abstract]
#23 ear acupuncture[Title/Abstract]
#24 moxibustion[Title/Abstract]
#25 #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24
#26 abdom acupuncture[Title/Abstract]
#27 embedded thread therapy[Title/Abstract]
#28 embedding thread[Title/Abstract]
#29 catgut embedding[Title/Abstract]
#30 #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29
#31 #10 OR #15 OR #20 OR #25 OR #30
#32 #5 AND #31
#33 Postcholecystectomy Syndrome[MeSH Terms]
#34 Acupuncture therapy[MeSH Terms]
#35 (#5 OR #33) AND #34
#36 #35 OR #32
#37 clinical[Title/Abstract]
#38 trial[Title/Abstract]
#39 #37 AND #38
#40 clinical trials as topic[MeSH Terms]
#41 clinical trial[Publication Type]
#42 random[Title/Abstract]
#43 random allocation[MeSH Terms]
#44 therapeutic use[MeSH Subheading]
#45 #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44
#46 #45 AND #36