Research Article

Integrated Analyses of lncRNA and mRNA Profiles Reveal Characteristic and Functional Changes of Leukocytes in Qi-Deficiency Constitution and Pi-Qi-Deficiency Syndrome of Chronic Superficial Gastritis

Figure 5

Overview of differential genes undergoing regulation of differential lncRNAs in each case population. (a) Top 30 targeting genes regulated by different differential lncRNAs in each case population. Venn diagrams denote the numbers of differential lncRNAs and genes found in each case population. 111 lncRNAs and 12 genes were common in both case populations. (b) Interaction network to detail the common genes and their possible regulating lncRNAs. Node size depends on the number of edges, and the number of regulating lncRNAs is shown near the corresponding node. The numbers of lncRNAs targeting each common gene were carefully presented in format of “number of the common regulating lncRNAs (blue)/number of the case-specific lncRNAs identified in case 1 (grey) or case 2 (brown).” Case 1: qi-deficiency constitution; case 2: Pi-qi-deficiency syndrome of chronic superficial gastritis.