Research Article

Chemical Components and Hepatoprotective Mechanism of Xwak Granule in Mice Treated with Acute Alcohol

Figure 7

Effects of Xwak on protein expression level were measured by Western blot analysis. (a) The bands of ERK/NF-κB signaling pathways. (b) The bands of Nrf/HO-1 signaling pathways. Quantification of different protein expressions. (c) Quantification of p-ERK/ERK, (d) quantification of p-NF-κB/NF-κB, (e) quantification of iNOS/β-actin, (f) quantification of COX-2/β-actin, (g) quantification of CYP2E1/β-actin, (h) quantification of Nrf2/β-actin, and (i) quantification of HO-1/β-actin. Values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD). Cont, control group; EtOH, model group; SILY, positive control; XL, low-dose of Xwak; XM, medium-dose of Xwak; XH, high-dose of Xwak.