Review Article

Effects of Physical Exercises on Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Exercise Capacity, and Quality of Life in Children with Asthma: A Meta-Analysis

Table 2

Subgroup analysis results.

Subgroup (intervention time)StudiesHeterogeneity test resultsEffect modelMeta-analysis results
I2 (%)MD/SMD (95% CI)value

FVC% pred
 ≥8 w100.0156Fixed2.62(1.19, 4.04)0.0003
 <8 w50.2132Fixed0.20(−0.12, 0.53)0.22

FEV1% pred
 ≥8 w110.0252Fixed1.09(−0.38, 2.56)0.15
 <8 w70.920Fixed0.10(−0.15, 0.36)0.42

FEV25–75% pred
 ≥8 w20.450Fixed11.72(2.44, 20.99)0.01
 <8 w40.00974Random3.02(−7.62, 13.67)0.58

PEF% pred
 ≥8 w8<0.000180Random4.94(1.07, 8.82)0.01
 <8 w30.770Fixed3.18(−1.91, 8.28)0.22

FVC% pred: pulmonary function indices include forced vital capacity to predicted value ratio; FEV1% pred: forced expiratory volume at 1 s to predicted value ratio; FEF25–75% pred: forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity ratio; PEF% pred: peak expiratory flow to predicted value ratio; SMD: standardized mean difference; MD: mean difference.