Research Article

Medicinal Plants Used in Ethnoveterinary Practices in Adea Berga District, Oromia Region of Ethiopia

Table 2

Lists of medicinal plants used for the treatment of livestock diseases in the Adea Berga district.

Scientific name (family)Local nameHabitParts usedLocal (and English) names of disease treatedAnimal treatedMode of preparationAdministration routeVoucher numberEthnoveterinary use elsewhere in Ethiopia

Acacia abyssinica Benth. (Fabaceae)LaaftooTreeLeafBiifaa (snake poisoning)All domestic animalsChewingNasal, oralMF 040-2018Goiter, stomachache [12]
Achyranthes aspera L. (Amaranthaceae)DarguuHerbLeafDhiiga dhaabuf (bleeding)All domestic animalsSqueezingTopicalMF 036-2018Chronic trypanosomiasis, headache, babesiosis, gonorrhea, wound [26]; nasal infection, ophthalmic infection, minor bleeding [27]; mastitis, wound, diarrhea [28]; blackleg, mastitis, bleeding [8]; bloat [29]; blackleg [30]; wound, mastitis [9]; eye infection, anthrax, snake bite, wound, donkey’s malaria [31]; abdominal discomfort, febrile disease [11]; blackleg [5]
Ajuga integrifolia Buch.-Ham. (Lamiaceae)Armaa guusaaHerbLeafMichii (febrile illness)All domestic animalsCrushingOralMF 043-2018Calf diarrhea [26]; internal parasite [32]; sprain [33]; diarrhea [17]
Allium sativum L. (Alliaceae)Qullubii adiiHerbBulbMadaa gogsuuf (wound)All domestic animalsCrushingTopical-Blackleg, dermatophilosis, mange, scabies, ringworm, parasitic leech, lice infestation in chicken, and helminthiasis [27]; mange and internal parasite [34]; hepatitis [4]; expectorant, antiseptic [2]; mastitis, colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites, septicemia [6]; mastitis, colic diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites [15]; abdominal pain, blackleg, leech, pasteurellosis, bloat [8]; blackleg [7]; abdominal pain, pasteurellosis, bloat [9]; foot-and-mouth disease [14]; abdominal ache, bloat [14]; malaria and stomach problem [12]; mastitis, diarrhea, internal parasite [10]; chicken bloody diarrhea [35]; Salmonella pullorum, fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid, Newcastle disease [36]; cough, fungal infection, leech infestation [17]
Aloe pubescens Reynolds (Aloaceae)ArgiisaShrubSapMadaa wanjoo (yoke sore)CattleSqueezingTopicalMF 017-2018Wound [18]; trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly repellent [37]
Artemisia abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. (Asteraceae)ArrittaaHerbLeafBudaa (evil eye)All domestic animalsUnprocessedNasalMF 029-2018Epilepsy [4]
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. (Melianthaceae)LonchisaaTreeLeafAlbaatii (diarrhea)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingOralMF 041-2018Dermatophytes [4]; kidney problems, wound, swelling [38]; trypanosomiasis [6]; trypanosomiasis [15]; blackleg, paralyzed animal [14]; skin parasites [12]
Brassica nigra (L.) K. Koch (Brassicaceae)SanaficaaHerbSeedBokoka (bloat), rakkoo dakamuu nyaataa (simple indigestion), cininnaa (colic)All domestic animalsRoastingOralMF 003-2018Bloat [14]
Brucea antidysenterica J.F. Mill. (Simaroubaceae)QomanyooShrubLeafDhukkubbi ijaa (eye infection)All domestic animalsUnprocessedOcular-Trypanosomiasis [6]; trypanosomosis [15]; rabies [8]; blackleg [7]; rabies, ring worms [9]; blinded and eye discharged animal [14]; epizootic lymphangitis [32]; malaria, rabies, toothache [12]; mastitis [10]; epizootic lymphangitis [39]
Buddleja polystachya Fresen. (Buddlejaceae)AdaddooShrubLeafHadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation)CattleCrushing and dilutingNasalMF 035-2018Leech infestation [31]; eye disease [12]; internal parasite, diarrhea [39]
Calpurnia aurea (Aiton) Benth. (Fabaceae)CeekaaShrubLeafBofatu hiddee (snake bite), bokoka (bloat)All domestic animalsCrushing and dilutingNasal, oralMF 024-2018Tick infestation, helminthiasis, snake bite, sore and parasitic leech [27]; mite infestation, conjunctivitis [34]; dermatophytes [4]; skin disease, rabies [6]; mastitis, skin diseases like dermatophilosis and ectoparasites (lice, ticks) [28]; lice infestation, leech [8]; diarrhea, skin infection, blackleg, respiratory manifestations, ectoparasites [7]; cattle lice [30]; pasteurellosis, dermatophilosis, and ectoparasites [40]; lice infestation, leech infestation, abdominal pain, bloat [9]; ectoparasites, alopecia [14], lice infestation, ticks infestation [31]; mange [41]; internal parasites, pasteurellosis, mastitis, dermathophillosis, ectoparasites (tick, fleas, lice) [32]; scabies [12]; internal parasites [42]; flea and louse infestation [43]; internal and external parasite infection [10]; tsetse fly repellent [37]; Estrus ovis, trypanosomiasis [39]; rabies, external parasite [17]
Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae)BarbareeHerbSeedHadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation)CattleGrinding and dilutingNasal-Cowdriosis [2]; colic, bloat, septicemia [6]; abdominal pain, bloat, blackleg, pasteurellosis, leech [8]; pasteurellosis, leech infestation, tapeworm [9]; abdominal aches, leech infestation [14]; bloat, blackleg, colic [12]; chicken diarrhea and ectoparasite infection [35]; colic, bloat, internal parasites infection [17]
Carissa spinarum L. (Apocynaceae)AgamsaShrubSeedSirna fincanii (urinary tract infection)All domestic animalsGrinding and dilutingOralMF 022-2018Helminthiasis, parasitic leech [27]; evil eye, colic [34]; helminthiasis [2]; rabies [6]; ring worm, wound [8]; ring worm, wound [9]; febrile causal disease, evil eye [11]; evil eye, headache, stomachache, gonorrhea [12]
Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook.f. ex Benth. (Rutaceae)UlummaaShrubLeafAlbaatii (diarrhea)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingOralMF 014-2018Ectoparasite infestation [6]; lice [15]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; skin rash [12]
Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Delile (Euphorbiaceae)BakkanisaTreeLeafBokoka (bloat), o'ichoo (foot rot)Cattle, sheep, goatCrushing and dilutingOral, topicalMF 023-2018Ringworm, dermatophilosis, mange, scabies, wound, minor bleeding, sore [27]; when a cow hates her calf, dermatophytosis, wound, bloat, eye defect [34]; anthelmintic [13]; equine colic, abdominal pain, bloat [38]; bloat [2]; mastitis, rabies, colic, trypanosomiasis, septicemia [6]; wound, fungal infection [15]; febrile illness in donkey (michii), expulsion uterine mass in camels [44]; ring worm, bloat, wound [8]; blackleg, trypanosomiasis, diarrhea, blackleg, helminthic infection, respiratory manifestations, bloat, lesion [7]; wound, fungal infection [40]; ring worm, bloat, wound [9]; bloat, dandruff [14]; equine colic, abdominal pain, bloat [32]; bloat, anthrax [33]; wound healing, antiparasitic [11]; ringworm, gonorrhea, scabies, evil eye, febrile illness, headache, wound, skin infection [12]; diarrhea (dysentery), external parasite [10]; chicken open wound [35]; blackleg, bloat [39]; blackleg, skin wound [17]; bloat, ringworm [5]
Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach (Cucurbitaceae)Buqqee sexanaaHerbSapMaxxantuu alaa (ectoparasites infections), foroforii (scabies)All domestic animalsUnprocessedTopical (bathing)MF 007-2018Pneumonia, abdominal pain [26]; snake bite, rabies [40]; animal head parasites [33]; abdominal discomfort, bloat [11]; fowl cholera and coccidiosis [36]
Cucumis ficifolius A. Rich. (Cucurbitaceae)HolotooHerbRoot, fruitDil'uu ture (retained placenta), rammoo garaa (endoparasites infections)Cattle, sheepCrushing and dilutingOral-Coccidiosis, cowdriosis, hepatitis, wound [27]; blackleg [4]; blackleg, colic, emaciation [6]; rabies, anthrax [44]; blackleg [8]; rabies, trypanosomiasis, blackleg, cough [29]; blackleg [7]; rabies [9]; anthrax, abdominal pain [31]; febrile illness, ear pain, stomachache, cattle infection, tetanus, sudden sickness, inflammation [12]
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae)Xajjii saraaHerbWhole plantCininnaa (colic)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingOralMF 018-2018Hepatitis, blackleg [4]
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Poaceae)CoqorsaaHerbWhole plantBiifaa (snake poisoning)All domestic animalsChewingTopical (spraying)MF 009-2018
Datura stramonium L. (Solanaceae)ManjiiHerbLeafForoforii (ring worm)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingTopical (bathing)MF 047-2018Nerve problem [45]; yoke sore, wound, dermatophytosis, mastitis [34]; trypanosomiasis [29]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; anthrax [31]; blackleg, nasal bleeding [33]; wound [12]; coughing (for horses, mules, and donkeys) [43]; chicken depression and diarrhea [35]
Dodonaea angustifolia L. f. (Sapindaceae)IttachaaShrubLeafMadaa gogsuuf (wound), caba (bone fracture)All domestic animalsCrushingTopicalMF 031-2018Bloat, sudden diarrhea, ringworm, scabies [27]; saddle sore [34]; anthelmintic [13]; wound [28]; bloat, liver disease, diarrhea [7]; lice infestation [9]; dislocated bone [31]; bone dislocation [41]; retained placenta, dystocia [32]; ectoparasite [11]; wound, tapeworm [12]; blackleg [39]
Echinops kebericho Mesfin (Asteraceae)KorobichoHerbRootBudaa (evil eye)All domestic animalsSmokingNasalMF 045-2018Coughing, pneumonia, pasteurellosis (mich), general illness, evil eye, taeniasis [34]; blackleg, cough [6]; diarrhea, blackleg [15]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations, liver disease, skin infection [7]; febrile illness [30]; diarrhea, blackleg [40]; dislocated bone [31]; anthrax [41]; blackleg, respiratory disease [11]; trypanosomiasis [37]
Echinops sp. (Asteraceae)KosorruuShrubRootDhukkubbi ijaa (ophthalmic disease)All domestic animalsChewingNasalMF 044-2018
Embelia schimperi Vatke (Myrsinaceae)HanquuShrubSeedCininnaa (colic), maxxantuu keessaa (endoparasites infections)All domestic animalsRoasting and crushingOralMF 027-2018Bloat, mucal diarrhea, bloody diarrhea [27]; anthelmintic [13]; tapeworm [12]
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (Myrtaceae)Bargamoo adiiTreeLeafKirkirsuu (shivering), loss of appetite, michii (febrile illness)CattleCrushing and squeezingOralMF 028-2018Mich, lumpy skin disease [34]; ectoparasite [44]; blackleg [30]; avian cholera, influenza, skin disease, cough [12]; Salmonella pullorum, fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid, infectious coryza, Newcastle disease, fowl pox [36]
Euphorbia sp. (Euphorbiaceae)AdamiiShrubSapMadaa gogsuuf (wound), kormammuu (wart)All domestic animalsCrushingTopicalMF 049-2018
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce ex Steud.) J.F.Gmel. (Rosaceae)HeexooTreeLeafMaxxantuu keessaa (endoparasites infections)All domestic animalsCrushing And DilutingOrallyMF 038-2018Anthelmintic [13]; internal parasite, nasal bot [38]; GIT parasite [15]; tape worm in dogs [28]; GIT parasite [40]; taeniasis [14]; internal parasite [32]; intestinal worms [11]; fowl cholera, fowl typhoid and Newcastle disease [36]; internal parasites infection [17]
Hypericum revolutum Vahl (Hypericaceae)HindheeTreeLeafAlbaatii (diarrhea)Cattle, sheepCrushing and squeezingOralMF048-2018Retained fetal membranes (RFM), metritis [40]; calf diarrhea [32]
Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. (Cupressaceae)GattiraaTreeLeafMaxxantuu alaa (ectoparasites infections)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingTopical (bathing)MF 005-2018Trypanosomiasis [38]; retained placenta/fetal membrane [27]; diarrhea [4]; internal parasite, pasteurellosis [38]; abortion, irregular estrus [15]; abortion, irregular estrus, postpartum bleeding [40]; colic [17]
Justicia schimperiana (Hochst. ex Nees) T. Anderson (Acanthaceae)SansalliiShrubLeafAlbaatii keelloo (coccidiosis)PoultryCrushing and squeezingOralMF 002-2018Wound [45]; diarrhea in hens, symptom of mouth, nose, and ocular discharge, blindness, depression, loss of appetence in hens [34]; rabies [6]; otitis [15]; jaundice, wound [28]; blackleg, rabies [8]; bloat, evil spirit [29]; diarrhea, blackleg, helminthic infection [7]; otitis, swollen of lymph node [40]; rabies, coccidiosis [9]; rabies [14]; dysentery [31]; rabies, blackleg, gonorrhea, malaria [12]; circling disease [39]; rabies, blackleg [17]
Kalanchoe lanceolata (Forssk.) Pers. (Crassulaceae)BosoqqeeHerbStemItoo maalaa (swelling of dewlap)CattleUnprocessedImplantationMF 006-2018
Leonotis ocymifolia (Burm.f.) Iwarsson (Lamiaceae)BokkolluuHerbLeafAlbaatii (diarrhea), michii (febrile illness)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingOralMF 019-2018Anthrax, blackleg [27]; anthrax [4]; blackleg [7]
Lepidium sativum L. (Brassicaceae)FeexooHerbSeedBokoka (bloat), cininnaa (colic), maxxantuu keessaa (endoparasites infections)All domestic animalsGrinding and dilutingOral-Blackleg, diarrhea, bloat [34]; blackleg, colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites, septicemia [6]; blackleg, bloat [15]; blackleg [7]; diarrhea, skin infection [7]; blackleg [40]; cough [14]; swelling, anthrax [31]; blackleg, colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasite [11]; cough, bloat, malaria, diarrhea, tonsillitis, heart disease [12]; trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly repellent [37]; Salmonella pullorum, fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid, infectious coryza, Newcastle disease, fowl pox [36]
Linum usitatissimum L. (Linaceae)TalbaaHerbSeedGogiinsa garaa (constipation), dhibee garaa (gastritis), dil'uu ture (retained placenta)All domestic animalsRoasting, grinding and dilutingOralMF 020-2018Placenta retention [34]; retained fetal membrane [6]; retained fetal membrane [15]; urine retention, coccidiosis [29]; retained placenta, dandruff [12]
Maesa lanceolata Forssk. (Myrsinaceae)AbbayyiiTreeLeaf and seedCittoo, madaa afaani (stomatitis)CattleCrushingTopical (painting)MF 051-2018Mange, tick infestation, dermatophilosis, helminthiasis, parasitic leech [27]; eye problem [4]; babesiosis, mastitis, kidney problem, internal parasite, wound, cancer (tumor) [38]; diarrhea, blackleg [15]; internal parasite [7]; diarrhea, blackleg [40]; leech infestation [32]; eye disease, pasteurellosis [12]; leech infestation [10]; leech infestation [10]; bloat [39]
Malva parviflora L. (Malvaceae)LiitiiHerbRootDil'uu ture (retained placenta)Cattle, sheepCrushing and squeezingOralMF 013-2018Wound, anthrax [28]
Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker (Fabaceae)BirbirraaTreeLeafHadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation)CattleCrushing and dilutingNasalMF 042-2018Ectoparasite [34]; diarrhea [4]; tsetse fly repellent [37]; trypanosomiasis [39]
Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae)TambooHerbLeafHadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation), bokoka (bloat)Cattle, sheepCrushing and dilutingNasal, oralTick and leech infestation, snake bite, internal parasite, fever, wound infestation [26]; anthelmintic [13]; lice and some ectoparasite infestation, blackleg, trypanosomiasis, leech infestation, snake bite [6]; leech infestation, snake bite [15]; leech [35]; leech [8]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations, liver disease, snake bite, for fattening of cattle [7]; leech infestation [30]; leech infestation [40]; leech infestation, tapeworm [9]; cough, internal parasites [14]; leech infestation, scabies, lice infestation [31]; leech infestation [33]; leech infestation, tick infestation [32]; bloat, leech infestation, internal parasites, trypanosomiasis, eye infection, headache [12]; tick infestation [43]; leech infestation [10]; trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly repellent [37]; chicken depression [35]; trypanosomiasis, leech infestation [39]; snake poisoning, leech infestation [17]
Ocimum lamiifolium Hochst. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae)DamakaseShrubLeafKirkirsuu (shivering), qoqaa fuudhu (inappetence), michii (febrile illness)CattleCrushing and squeezingOralMF050-2018Bloat, mucal diarrhea, poor appetite, bloody diarrhea [27]; pasteurellosis (mich) [34]; diarrhea [4]; blackleg [15]; abdominal colic, blackleg, trypanosomiasis, respiratory manifestations [7]; blackleg [40]; dingetengya (sudden sickness), blackleg [11]; diarrhea [10]; blackleg, diarrhea [17]
Olea europaea subsp. Cuspidata (Wall. & G.Don) Cif. (Oleaceae)EjersaaTreeLeafBiifaa (snake poisoning)Cattle, sheepChewingTopical (spraying)MF 004-2018Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) [46]; mange, ringworm, lumpy skin disease [27]; lumpy skin disease (LSD), gait problem [34]; pasteurellosis, calf diarrhea [38]; arthritis [15]; eye infection [7]; arthritis, paralysis, back bone pains [40]; rabies, snake bite [9]; dermatological disease [11]; hemorrhoid [12]; diarrhea [42]; blackleg, pneumonia, and bloat [10]; chicken depression [35]
Olinia rochetiana A.Juss. (Oliniaceae)DalachooShrubLeafDhukkubii hir’isuf (pain)All domestic animalsChewingTopical, oralMF 033-2018Calf diarrhea, wound [38]; mastitis, pneumonia, and other swellings or internal organs problems [10]
Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae)QorxobbeeHerbLeafDhiiga dhaabuf (bleeding control)All domestic animalsSqueezingTopicalMF 016-2018Rabies [27]; trypanosomiasis [29]; skin cut [12]
Ranunculus multifidus Forssk. (Ranunculaceae)MarfataaHerbRootAlbaatii (diarrhea)Sheep, cattleUnprocessedTyingMF 026-2018Dermatophilosis [27]; mastitis, internal parasite, trypanosomiasis [38]; trypanosomiasis [39]
Rhamnus prinoides L’Hér. (Rhamnaceae)GeeshooShrubLeafBokoka (bloat), hubaa qonqoo (tonsillitis)Cattle, sheepCrushing and squeezingOralMF 025-2018Abscess swelling [34]; nasal bot [38]; leech infestation [40]; equine colic, leech infestation, dandruff [32]; salmonellosis [11]; skin fungal infection, wound [12]; chicken depression [35]; fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid and Newcastle disease [36]; diarrhea, internal parasite [5]
Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiaceae)HoboShrubLeafItoo (abscess), bu’aa (rectal prolapse)All domestic animalsChoppingOral, topicalMF 021-2018Blackleg, retained fetal membrane, skin disease [26]; mange, scabies, ringworm, retained placenta/fetal membrane [27]; diarrhea in new born, wound, sudden sickness, bloat, skin rashes/dermatitis [34]; retained fetal membrane [2]; rabies [6]; blackleg, actinomycosis [15]; retained fetal membrane, rabies [8]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; blackleg, actinomycosis [40]; retained fetal membrane, rabies [9]; wound [31]; anthrax, sudden sickness, bloat, actinomycosis, ulceric lymphangitis, epizootic lymphangitis [12]; mastitis [10]; foot and mouth disease (FMD) [17]; abscess, retained fetal membrane [5]
Rubus steudneri Schweinf. (Rosaceae)AltufaaShrubLeafAlbaatii (diarrhea)Cattle, sheepCrushing and squeezingOralMF 030-2018Bloat, mucal diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, blackleg [27]; bloat, diarrhea, blackleg, constipation with mucoid feces [34]; swelling [29]
Rumex nepalensis Spreng. (Polygonaceae)ShultiiHerbRootCininnaa (colic)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingOralMF 012-2018Internal parasite, headache [26]; bloody diarrhea [34]; blackleg [4]; fire burn [31] stomachache, spider poison, amoeba [12]; cough [39]; internal parasites infection, external parasites infection, wound [17]
Ruta chalepensis L. (Rutaceae)Xeena adamiiHerbLeaf, seedBokoka (bloat)Cattle, sheepGrindingOralMF 011-2018Retained placenta, abdominal pain, snake bite [26]; blackleg [4]; blackleg, anthrax [40]; poisoning [14]; equine colic, abdominal pain [32]; ear pain, evil eye, heart failure [11]; stomachache [12]; wound [42]; chicken welling of head [35]; coccidiosis, fowl typhoid & Newcastle disease [36]; bloat [17]; colic, pasteurellosis [5]
Salvia nilotica Juss. ex Jacq. (Lamiaceae)Abbaa jarraaHerbLeafAlbaatii (diarrhea)All domestic animalsCrushing and squeezingOralMF 015-2018Blackleg [4]; mastitis, wound [38]
Senecio ochrocarpus Oliv. & Hiern (Asteraceae)MonyoorHerbLeafDhukkubii ijaa (eye infection)All domestic animalsChewingOcularMF 032-2018
Solanum marginatum L. f. (Solanaceae)HiddiiShrubSapMadaa dugdaa (back sore)HorseSqueezingTopicalMF 034-2018Dermatophytes [4]; cough [29]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; blackleg [14]; wound, breathing problem, anthrax [31]
Stephania abyssinica (Quart.-Dill. & A.Rich.) Walp. (Menispermaceae)KalalaaHerbWhole partbokoka (bloat)Cattle, sheepCrushing and dilutingOralMF 037-2018Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), calf pneumonia [27]; anthrax, rabies, foot, and mouth disease [34]; blocking/difficult in urination [41]; mastitis, blackleg, trypanosomiasis [39]; rabies [17]
Tragia plukenetii Radcl.-Sm. (Euphorbiaceae)DobbiiHerbRootDil'uu ture (retained placenta)Cattle, sheepCrushing and dilutingOral-Myiasis in goat [44]
Verbascum sinaiticum Benth. (Scrophulariaceae)Gurraa harreeHerbLeafAbbaa gorbaa (blackleg), fedhii nyaataf (loss of appetite)CattleCrushing and dilutingOralMF 046-2018Diarrhea, colic, snake bite, anthrax, wound, blackleg, myiasis, [34]; anthelmintic [13]; skin disease [6]; skin disease [15]; blackleg, swollen body, abdominal pain, loss of appetite [44]; wound [28]; thinning, rabies, trypanosomiasis, eye infection, mich [29]; cough [14]; wound, anthrax, dislocated bone [31]; anthrax [33]; febrile causal disease, heart disease, renal disease [11]; anthrax [17]
Vernonia amygdalina Delile (Asteraceae)EebichaShrubLeafAlbaatii (diarrhea)cattle, sheep, goatCrushing and squeezingOralMF 001-2018Trypanosomiasis, cough, wound, skin disease [26]; retained placenta/fetal membrane, CBPP [27]; colic, leech [34]; anthelmintic [13]; hepatitis [4]; lumpy skin disease, pasteurellosis, internal parasite [38]; GIT parasite, diarrhea, blackleg [15]; increase milk production [8]; diarrhea, blackleg, helminthic infection [7]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations, to improve milk production in cows, retained placenta [7]; GIT parasite, diarrhea, blackleg [40]; retained placenta [9]; wound [14]; equine colic, pasteurellosis, abdominal pain [32]; abdominal pain, mich, febrile disease [11]; internal parasites [42]; diarrhea and skin problem [10]; trypanosomiasis [37]; chicken watery diarrhea [35]; internal parasite, diarrhea, colic [39]; internal parasite, retained placenta [17]; diarrhea, internal parasites [5]
Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae)OsoleeHerbLeafMaxxantuu alaa (ectoparasites infections)All domestic animalsUnprocessedTopical (bathing)MF 008-2018
Zehneria scabra Sond. (Cucurbitaceae)Hiddaa adiiHerbWhole partMartee (contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP))CattleUnprocessedTying on the neckMF 039-2018Mich, yoke sore, dermatitis [34]; blackleg, pasteurellosis [8]; thinning [29]; rabies, pasteurellosis [9]; cough, emaciation, lameness, alopecia, colic [14]; trypanosomiasis [32]; swelling, rabies [12]; chicken swelling of head [35]
Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae)ZanjabilaaHerbRootCininnaa (colic), bokoka (bloat), dhukubbii ijaa (conjunctivitis)All domestic animalsCrushingOral-Bloat, bloody diarrhea, poor appetite, mucal diarrhea [27]; colic, eye defect, diarrhea due to stomach parasite [34]; colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites [6]; colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites [15]; blackleg, pasteurellosis, abdominal pain, leech [8]; eye inflammation [7]; rabies, pasteurellosis, abdominal pain, leech infestation [9]; ascariasis, stomach disorder [14]; contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP)/cough [42]; Newcastle diseases (fengile) [35]; coccidiosis, fowl typhoid and Newcastle disease [36]; eye inflammation [17]
- (Poaceae)HadduffaaHerbWhole partBiifaa (snake poisoning)All domestic animalsChewingTopical (spraying)MF 010-2018

Note. Disease names in bold indicate the use of the corresponding medicinal plant for the same purpose elsewhere in Ethiopia.