Research Article

Study on the Expression Differences and the Correlation with H2BE Gene of Th Related Cytokines in SSDHS and LDSDS TCM-Syndromes of CHB Patients

Table 1

Baseline comparison of the clinical characteristics among the groups.

GroupNumber of casesGenderaAgeb

LDSDS115 (45.5%)6 (54.5%)39.27 ± 8.661c
SSDHS117 (63.6%)4 (36.4%)36.00 ± 12.578c
CGd94 (44.4%)5 (55.6%)33.56 ± 8.00c
Total3116 (57.69%)15 (42.31%)

aThere was no significant difference in gender composition among the three groups by the chi-square test . bThere was no significant difference in age composition among the three groups by one-way analysis of variance . cmean ± standard deviation. dHealthy group (control group).