Research Article

Follicular Metabolites-Assisted Clinical Evaluation of IVF/ICSI Outcomes

Figure 3

Summary of factors impacting stepwise IVF/ICSI outcomes by group. PR, progressive; NP, nonprogressive; Sperm NM, sperm normal morphology (%); Sperm Via., sperm viability; Sperm Vol., sperm volume; Sperm Den., sperm density; Sperm malFR, Sperm malformation rate; BP sys., systolic blood pressure; BP dia., diastolic blood pressure; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; E2, estradiol; Cyto. Stat., cytoplasmic states; U Cr., urinary creatinine; Gln, glutamine; Oocyte arr., oocyte radial crown arrangement (1. compact; 2. slightly dilated; 3. radial); SFN, small follicle number in ovaries; ORN, oocyte retrieved number; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; Ala, alanine; His, Histidine; Glu, glucose; GPro, glycoprotein; Lys, lysine; Ile, Isoleucine; Leu, leucine; Cr, creatinine; CRE, creatine; 3HBA, 3-hydroxybutyric acid; Val, valine; Gln, glutamine; Pro, proline.