Research Article

The Effect of Inner Engineering Online (IEO) Program on Reducing Stress for Information Technology Professionals: A Randomized Control Study

Table 2

Mann–Whitney U test results between intervention group (n = 34) and control group (n = 34).

Mann–Whitney U test results between intervention group (n = 34) and control group (n = 35) (intergroup analysis at different time points for primary and secondary outcomes)
VariablesBaseline (T1)–Week 4 (T2)Week 4 (T2)–Week 8 (T3)Week 8 (T3)–Week 12 (T4)
Intervention (n = 35)Control group (n = 33)Test stats (Mann–Whitney U) valueIntervention (n = 35)Control group (n = 33)Test stats (Mann–Whitney U) valueIntervention (n = 35)Control group (n = 33)Test stats (Mann–Whitney U) value

MBI-Exhaustion−1.0 (−4.0; 2.0)−1.0 (−3.0; 1.0)597.50.81−1.5 (−5.3; 1.0)−1.0 (−3.3; 0.0)558.50.89−1.5 (−5.3; 1.0)(−2.3; 2.0)669.00.17
MBI-Cynicism−0.3 (−0.9; 0.4)−0.2 (−1.0; 0.3)617.00.67(3.3; 3.3)−0.5 (−4.0; 3.0)512.50.74(−3.3; 3.3)(−0.4; 3.0)541.00.93
MBI-Professional Efficiency0.5 (−2.0; 5.3)0.0 (−2.0; 2.0)530.50.55(−3.0; 2.0)(−5.3; 4.0)593.00.66(−3.0; 2.0)(−3.0; 3.3)586.50.73
PSS−3.0 (−8.0; 0.0)−1.5 (−4.0; 1.0)703.00.19−1.0 (−3.0; 2.0)−2.5 (−6.0; 4.0)488.00.27−1.0 (−3.0; 2.0)(−2.0; 3.0)628.00.44
MAAS0.3 (−0.1; 0.9)0.4 (−0.1; 0.8)587.50.93(−0.4; 0.4)0.1 (−0.2; 0.5)675.00.28(−0.4; 0.4)(−0.2; 0.6)697.00.17
DPES0.3 (0.0; −0.8)0.1 (−0.5; 0.7)492.00.22(−0.3; 0.8)(−0.5; 0.7)561.00.88(−0.3; 0.8)−0.2 (−0.8; 0.4)469.00.17
CES-D−1.0 (−5.0; 0.0)−1.5 (−5.0; 3.0)617.00.79(−2.0; 4.0)(−3.0; 2.0)517.00.50(−2.0; 4.0)(−3.3; 2.3)506.00.38
Anxiety−3.0 (−7.0; 0.0)−2.0 (−5.0; 0.0)670.00.37(−1.0; 3.0)−0.5 (−4.0; 1.0)405.50.03(−1.0; 3.0)(−1.0; 1.0)544.00.72