Research Article

Domestic Investment, Foreign Direct Investment, and Economic Growth Nexus: A Case of Pakistan

Table 4

Results of Toda-Yamamoto causality test results.

Null hypothesisModified Wald statistics (probability)Conclusion

LNDINV does not cause LNFDI3.977**Null hypothesis is rejected

LNFDI does not cause LNDINV4.803**Null hypothesis is rejected

LNDINV does not cause LNGDP4.233**Null hypothesis is rejected

LNGDP does not cause LNDINV0.253Null hypothesis is accepted

LNGDP does not cause LNFDI3.286***Null hypothesis is rejected

LNFDI does not cause LNGDP1.358Null hypothesis is accepted

Note: denotes statistically significant at 5 percent and 10 percent, respectively.