Review Article

Assessing Self-Regulation as a Cyclical, Context-Specific Phenomenon: Overview and Analysis of SRL Microanalytic Protocols

Table 3

Examples of strategic planning microanalytic questions, administration sequence, and coding scheme.

StudyQuestionsTiming of administrationCoding Scheme

[50]“What do you need to do to accomplish that goal?”aImmediately prior to the basketball free-throw sessionSpecific techniques
General technique
Specific/general focus
Do not know

[34]Athletes were asked if they had a regular practice routine that they followed when practicing on their ownbImmediately prior the volleyball serving practice sessionCompletely structured
Partially structured
“What do you need to do to accomplish these goals?”Immediately prior to the volleyball serving practice sessionSpecific technique
Practice/no strategies

[33]“Do you have any particular plans for how to read this passage and take the test?”Immediately before reading a text passage about tornadoesCounted the number of strategies used/noted

[56]“What are you thinking about as you prepare to draw blood from this arm?”Immediately preceding the first attempt to draw blood from mannequin armProcess/technique
Patient interaction/care
Do not know

aThis question was referred to as strategy choice.
bThis question was not fully microanalytic because it did not pertain specifically to the study’s practice session.