Research Article

Teacher Informal Collaboration for Professional Improvement: Beliefs, Contexts, and Experience

Table 3

Professional interchange within schools as reported by teachers (1 = never; 2 = once a year or less, 3 = 2–4 times a year; 4 = 5–10 times a year: 5 = 1–3 times a month; 6 = once a week or more.

Component itemsFactor loadings

Factor 1: discuss and work together
 Mean: 4.6; SD: 1.1
 Cronbach Alpha: 0.795
Engage in discussions about the learning development of specific students0.778
Hold informal conversations with other teachers on professional themes0.558
Work with other teachers to ensure common standards in the assessment of student progress0.831
Develop student assessment instruments (i.e. criteria, portfolios, tests)0.649

Factor 2: observe other teacher lessons and engage in joint activities
 Mean: 2.98; SD: 1.4
 Cronbach Alpha: 0.7748
Observe other teacher’s classes and provide feedback0.806
Engage in joint activities across different classes and age groups (e.g. projects)0.714

Model fit statistics: RMSEA: 0,098; CFI: 0,947; SRMR: 0,042

: TALIS 2013 questionnaire, item 33 [9].