Research Article

Teacher Informal Collaboration for Professional Improvement: Beliefs, Contexts, and Experience

Table 7

Degree of agreement about quality of parent and student role in school. Teachers’ views (1 = not at all; 7 = very much in agreement.

Component itemsFactor loadings

Factor 1: teacher views on parents  
(i) Mean: 3.87; SD: 1.56
(ii) Cronbach Alpha: 0.7927
Parental involvement supports learning0,894
Parents are reliable in their commitments0,942
Teachers trust parents0,852
Parents of students encourage good habits of study0,815

Factor 2: teachers views on students  
(i) Mean: 5.15, SD: 1.17
(ii) Cronbach Alpha: 0.8207
Teachers trust their students0,73
Students can be counted on to do their work0,822
Students are caring towards one another0,789
Students respect those who get good results0,597

Model fit statistics: RMSEA: 0,095; CFI: 0,943; SRMR: 0,04

on questionnaire in Belfi et al. [22].