Research Article

Opportunities to Learn for Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Enthusiasm

Table 4

Unstandardized regression coefficients (standard errors in parentheses) for teachers’ self-efficacy as well as enthusiasm and the considered opportunities to learn.

Self-efficacySubject-specific enthusiasmEnthusiasm for teaching the subject

Quality−.22 (.11).08 (.19)−.23 (.11)
Frequency of professional development.14 (.06)−.01 (.04).08 (.05)
Teaching experience.05 (.11)−.10 (.13)<.001 (.003)
Frequency of self-study.23 (.08).02 (.04).12 (.05)

Notes. Quality: perceived quality of university-level teacher education (1 = very good; 6 = unsatisfactory or not part of teacher educationprogram): a negative regression coefficient indicates that the respective motivational orientation increases with increasing quality. The continuous variables (quality and teaching experience) were standardized before the analysis. , , and .