
The students from the Madras Group (Zone) in Tamil Nadu, India are the primary focus of this investigation. The study was carried out in nine different districts of the state of Tamil Nadu in India, and it received responses from 18,324 college students residing in these diverse areas. The t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) methodologies were used in the course of an investigation of the responses provided by students. In accordance with the objectives of the study, the data were gathered, compiled, and arranged into categories before being subjected to statistical and objective analysis. Students who had participated in NCC training in the Madras Group of Tamil Nadu were found to have higher levels of personality development and stronger levels of discipline than students who had participated in NCC training in other parts of Tamil Nadu. These results are presented in a manner that is consistent with the conclusions obtained from the research that was carried out. These findings should be accepted given that they are in agreement with the results of the investigation.

1. Introduction

When it comes to achieving success in today’s competitive environment, one of the most crucial human abilities is the ability to inspire and encourage other people. Despite some people being born with leadership qualities, the vast majority learn how to be leaders through nurturing their attitudes in schools, universities, and the workplace. In order to succeed in the highly competitive climate of the contemporary world, one must possess a variety of crucial human qualities, the most crucial of which is the quality of leadership. While some individuals naturally have a propensity to lead, the great majority of people learn this skill via deliberate nurturing in contexts like schools, colleges, and the general public. If a child is chosen to lead a sports team, a class, or the school, or if he is granted the position of school captain, class leader, or school captain, this skill may be cultivated in him or her. However, the majority of children will never get the chance to captain their school or their sports team.

The majority of students may never get the opportunity to practice their leadership abilities in front of an audience. One of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) main objectives is to provide cadets with a considerable opportunity to grow as leaders. Similar to the University Officers Training Corps in the United Kingdom, the National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a student-run organization in India. The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a significant youth organization that was founded in 1948 with the objectives of making Indian students into more responsible citizens and giving the government dependable, disciplined staff to help with the management of social welfare programs and other urgent issues. The development of leadership abilities is one of the most significant goals the NCC has. All cadets have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills over the many training phases they experience while being a part of the NCC. The National Cadet Corps (NCC), which fosters an environment where members may hone their leadership abilities, significantly contributes to the personality development of its members. The purpose of this research was to compare students attending higher education institutions in Chennai who had or had not participated in the National Cadet Corps (NCC) to students who had not participated in the NCC with regard to their personal values, leadership qualities, the significance of national pride, and goal-achieving strategies. Personality development, disciplinary characteristics, and leadership qualities were all considered dependent variables in the research.

2. Literature Survey

In this section, an attempt has been made to conduct a review of the earlier research works that were carried out in the areas of personal traits, NCC training, behavioral styles, and military training. This review is intended to provide an overview of the previous studies that have been conducted in these specific subject areas. The purpose of this part is to obtain an awareness of the leadership traits held by people as well as the technique adopted by researchers to discover the findings of prior studies. In addition, the objective of this section is to understand how earlier studies were conducted. According to Elavarasan et al. [1], there was no difference in the leadership abilities of students from government institutions and those from private colleges. Students at both sorts of institutions received NCC education that was of comparable quality. The cadets did not mind if their parents were wealthy or impoverished since the leadership qualities they learned could be applied to any scenario. Cadets from lower-income households outscored their colleagues from higher-income ones. The NCC department should provide this type of instruction to all cadets, regardless of gender or race. According to Kline [2], when asked about their character traits and views, people may gauge their personality by agreeing or disagreeing. In the 1930s, personality psychology evolved as a distinct social science field. Many young people, particularly those who are predisposed to military duty, take risks to satisfy their demand for excitement and to build their personal brand, according to Nidhi and Prerna. [3]. The investigation’s purpose was to find out the truth, especially whether or not there was a risk of harm. A total of 100 first- and second-year students from urban regions participated in the study. A study of public and private college students aged 16 to 19 discovered a relationship between personality and thrill-seeking. Moreover, taking risks has little to do with one’s personality or desire for new experiences.

According to prior study conducted by Hudson and Fraley [4], the vast majority of individuals wish to make a change in some aspect of their personality. Changing one’s personality characteristics deliberately is conceivable, and these researches provide a first step in understanding the processes that make this happen. The study found that NCC students’ characteristics differed from non-NCC students. These students are more likely to aid their peers and the community to Mary and Dr. Anbazhagan [5]. In terms of leadership abilities, first-year college students lag behind their senior peers. The standard deviation shows that some students have much more leadership characteristics than others before they start college by Al-Omari et al. [6]. Arminio et al. [7] concluded that variations in leadership styles were emphasized by males and females, “offering instances such as men were getting straight to the point and down to business, whilst women liked to process and speak more about challenges. Bass [8] stated that gender differences in leadership qualities were also investigated in this study. To begin with, the findings reveal that, regardless of gender, when students graduate, they have equivalent leadership qualities. Technology-related leadership abilities were found to differ from the other seven categories, but not from the other six. There are no disparities in leadership qualities between men and women, according to the great majority of research. The study by Cox and Miranda [9] revealed that college students have been given particular attention while studying leadership qualities. This has been largely owing to the view that the development of leadership abilities is one of the primary responsibilities of college and university education.

As per the Gallagher et al. [10] study, students believe that college is an excellent opportunity to develop a range of skills. Students said that solid multitasking, literacy, and verbal skills were critical to their college success. Graham and Cockriel [11] detailed that Leadership activities have been shown to have a greater influence on college student’s personal and social development than measures of their emotional commitment to their own and others’ personal and social development. It has been shown that developing one’s practical and interpersonal skill is related to involvement in leadership activities and, as a result, leadership development is detailed in Kuh [12]. Outcome evaluation has grown in importance in higher education, according to his research on Love [13]. Examining what talents companies look for in college grads has been one part of this evaluation. Research by Outcalt et al. [14] looked at the basic leadership qualities that students have when they first arrive at college. This research sought to fill a need in the existing body of knowledge about the growth of leadership skills among Hashemite University students. It was said by Kimbrough and Hutcheson [15] that ’early leadership experiences give people with the skills they need to excel academically and in the workforce, as well as in other social arenas. Komives [16] claims that even among women with less overall leadership experience, the ability to empower others is a well-developed leadership attribute. According to Cooper et al. [17], students who engage in leadership activities and gain leadership skills are more culturally oriented and more open to embracing others. The leadership skills of college students were studied by Cress et al. [18]. This is primarily due to the belief that developing leadership skills is a fundamental responsibility of higher education. In their research, Hovest et al. [19] found that programs that foster leadership development may be found on and off campus. The two topics have also been combined into a complete curriculum for leadership development. Sinha [20] conducted a study in which he discovered a positive link between NCC training and the development of leadership abilities among 300 schoolchildren who participated in the study. Mehrotra [21] conducted a study on the views of female students at Agra University about military duty and came to the conclusion that female students had a more favorable viewpoint on military service than male students. NCC cadets in Vadodara, Gujarat, were studied by Vyas [22], who conducted a study on the influence of NCC training on the development of soft skills and dispute resolution. According to Singha Chaveesuk et al. [23] the data for the research were gathered via the use of a standardized questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling are two examples of the methods that are used in the process of data analysis. To summarize, respondents’ intention to continue using digital payment methods was influenced by factors such as perceived ease of use; contentment; attitude; and social alienation. The perceived pleasure with the product acted as a mediating factor between the effects of perceived utility, perceived ease of use, and social distance on long-term intention to use. A person’s desire to continue using something was influenced by their attitude toward its perceived utility by Singha Chaveesuk et al. [24].

The study found that NCC training aided cadets in developing conflict management abilities. In addition, the cadets’ tolerant and collaborative attitude toward conflict management reinforced the concept. Sarkar and Margaj [25] examined 120 NCC cadets to determine if they have at least 80% of the soft-skill qualities required to be a responsible member of society. They discovered that they did not. According to the data, more than 80% of NCC cadets exhibit soft skill qualities. A thorough evaluation of relevant literature is essential for a well-designed research endeavour. A review of relevant literature aids in understanding the issue and its key aspects. Because it provides a platform for comparison and comparison, comparative data may also be utilized to analyse and comprehend one’s results. As shown by the sources given above, many studies have sought to explore the human attributes impacted by NCC or military training. However, few studies compare the leadership abilities, personality development, and discipline qualities of NCC and non-NCC students from Tamil Nadu, and even fewer studies focus on this area, and even fewer studies use a small number of students for the comparison study. To address this requirement, more than 20000 Madras Group of Tamil Nadu college students were questioned about their personality development and discipline qualities in this study. Data was collected, compiled, classified, and statistically and objectively analyzed in accordance with the objectives of the present research. The purpose of this research was to compare students attending higher education institutions in Chennai who had or had not participated in the National Cadet Corps (NCC) to students who had not participated in the NCC with regard to their personal values, leadership qualities, the significance of national pride, and goal-achieving strategies. Personality development, disciplinary characteristics, and leadership qualities were all considered dependent variables in the research.

3. Research Design

The conceptual framework of a study is referred to as the research design of the investigation. To accomplish so, researchers must first decide where the study’s research objects will be located, as well as the devices they will use to acquire and analyse the data they will collect. This method is used in research to characterize a characteristic or a phenomenon that is shared by a group or to examine the relationships between the variables under inquiry. This inquiry focuses on the National Cadet Corps Program, which offers personality development, disciplinary traits, and leadership. As a consequence of the results of this study, a study named “personality development and discipline qualities among the trained and untrained national cadet’s corps in southern India. As a consequence, the researchers used a normative survey approach in their investigations, shown in Figure 1.

4. Synopsis of the Problem

Leaders with strong personalities, discipline, and leadership talents are required for every country. Who are concerned about the health of the people and the development of the nation Autocratic and authoritarian governance will become more prevalent as a result of a lack of leadership abilities. We want dynamic leaders who can run the country while upholding the democratic structure. More effective leaders are beneficial to democracy. According to Vashisht [26] today’s youth are certainly more digitally savvy, yet many lack attention and determination, as well as an interest in academic pursuits, research, or creativity. One of the NCC’s primary goals is to help its cadets develop their personalities, discipline, and leadership skills so that they may become responsible citizens who contribute positively to the nation’s progress. The Indian government, as well as state governments, is investing considerable time and money in this endeavour. As a result, it is critical to consider the advantages and possible applications of such an approach. A research study was conducted to determine whether or not NCC students benefitted from the training and whether or not they developed personality, discipline, and leadership skills as a result of their involvement in the program.

5. Research Methodology

For its conclusions, this study relied significantly on actual data collected from both NCC-trained cadets and non-NCC students. Representatives from one hundred and forty-two institutions connected with Madras NCC Group, which conducts NCC training in nine districts in central Tamil Nadu, namely Chennai, Thiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Vellore, Ranipet, Thirupathur, Kanchipuram, Thiruvannamalai, and Vilupuram, were invited to participate in the survey. To participate in the poll, 9,162 NCC-trained cadets and 9,162 non-NCC students were chosen from each college. The event drew a total of 18,324 students. The demography of the students was carefully chosen, and comprised a random mix of gender, location, economic background, government institutions, and private colleges, among other things. Aside from that, there was a broad variety of students from science, business, the arts, and engineering. The information for this study came from both primary and secondary sources. Clark and Clark [27] created an 18-item personality and discipline questionnaire to collect the required primary data from the students. The questions were designed to elicit a response from the participants on their reaction and behavior if they were faced with a tough and hard situation while leading a team. The responses of students to the questionnaire were gathered using a Google form after it was given to respondents through WhatsApp/e-mail. On a five-point scale, responses were rated as follows: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), agree (4), strongly agree (5), and highly disagree (6). Secondary data for the study was acquired from reputable sources such as books, journals, research papers, and websites, among others. Several more suggestions for improvement regarding infrastructure, training, and other parts of the camp’s feedback process were collected from cadets, students, and Associate NCC Officers (ANOs).

6. Analysis of the Data

Researchers in this study employed a number of questionnaires to acquire their data, including the Discipline Qualities Questionnaire (DQQ), the Leadership Skills Questionnaire (LSQ), and the Personality Development Questionnaire (PDQ), to gather their findings. In order to analyse the data that was collected, statistical approaches were used.

6.1. Level of Significance

The statistical data analysis used in this research was used to test the hypotheses that were generated, and the significance threshold for rejecting or accepting each hypothesis had to be determined in advance of the investigation. The study’s probability level must be included in the summary of results in order for the investigator to be able to make an informed decision regarding whether or not the null hypothesis should be rejected. The value reported in the output of the SPSS 19.0 version, on the other hand, was taken into consideration when determining whether or not hypotheses were accepted or rejected.

6.2. Statistical Techniques

As part of the final sample, 18,324 NCC and non-NCC students from Madras A and Madras B were included in the research. The program recruited 5000 students from Madras A and 4,162 students from Madras B. The data from the sample utilized in the study was gathered and statistically analyzed by the researchers. We used the statistical approaches outlined in the next section to draw valid inferences from this data. In this study, the researchers used a number of methodologies, including descriptive analysis, differential analysis, and association analysis.

6.3. Mean

The arithmetic average is often regarded as the distribution’s mean. According to many individuals, this is one of the most well-known average figures in the world. A mean may be calculated by dividing the total number of values in the data set by the sum of all values in the following equation.X = Total Number of scores, N = Total Number of cases.

6.4. Standard Deviation

To get the standard deviation, divide the variance by its square root. The variance is the sum of the standard deviations of all test results, expressed as a square root of the test scores. It was estimated for both the experimental and control groups. The mean was used to compare the 166 possibilities. It displayed the personality of a group. This study’s components were examined using mean and standard deviation ratings. Personality, discipline, and leadership talents, as well as goal-setting ability, are required. Behavior. When using the following equation, the standard deviation value was determined.  = The mean of the values, N=The number of values, (σ) = Standard deviation,

6.5. t- Test

In order to determine the result, the t’-test considers the mean difference between two groups, the number of participants in each group, and the dispersion of the scores. A statistical procedure known as the t’-test may be used to evaluate whether groups have substantially different mean performance levels. One of the elements used to determine whether or not a hypothesis is valid is the presence of a statistically significant value. The differences in personality, discipline, and leadership skills and goal-achievement behaviors between NCC and non-NCC students in the Madras Group were examined using a differential analysis t’-test to discover if there were any differences. Based on the provided variables, it came to judgments regarding the importance of differences between different groups of people. The value of “t” was derived using the following equation.M1-Mean of first group, M2-Mean of second group,  = Standard Deviation of first group, , N1&N2-Total Number of cases in first and second group.

6.6. ANOVA

Using the analysis of variance, you can determine whether the means of two or more samples are too dissimilar to be due to sampling error (ANOVA). For example, an analysis of variance evaluates if the means vary substantially from one test to the next. Calculating several t-tests increases the experiment’s total Type I error rate. To prevent the Type I error, the analysis of variance compares all data at once and to be calculated by the following equation.Msb = Mean Square with in groups, Msw = Mean Square with in groups.

6.7. Correlation Analysis

It is necessary to do correlation analysis in order to identify the relationship between two variables. The correlation coefficient is an effective instructional tool since it demonstrates the relationship between different performance measures, such as test scores.r- Correlation,

A comparison between two or more paired variables is performed using this approach by the equation (5). Using the correlation coefficient, this study investigated the link between NCC and non-NCC higher education students in Madras Group.

6.8. Linear Regression Analysis

When two variables are associated, such as Independent and Dependent Variables, regression analysis may be used to determine their relationship by the following equation. The coefficient of determination of the regression model, which is included in the variables, explains the goodness of fit of the regression model.where Y1 = Dependent Variable, α & β = Parameters, X1 = Independent Variable 1, X2 = Independent Variable 2, U1=Error Term.

7. Personality Development and Discipline Qualities among NCC-Trained and Nontrained Students

It was hoped that this study would shed light on differences in personality and discipline abilities between NCC-trained and nontrained students, in terms of gender, college type (government or private), student parents’ income and their choice of major (arts vs. science/engineering). Research also focused on variations in variances across districts. Table 1 displays the results of a personality development skills assessment administered to cadets and students who had received NCC training but had not received training in the Madras Region. For the objective of this research, 18,324 students (9,162 trained and 9,162 untrained) were contacted via phone or e-mail. A greater mean value was found among cadets who had had NCC training as compared to those who had not received NCC training. According to the estimated t value of 16.96, the model’s validity was established by 0.05 percent more than the essential t value. A significant difference in personality development between NCC trained and non-NCC trained students studying at Madras Group colleges was found, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis H01 and the acceptance of the alternate hypothesis H02 stating that there is no statistically significant difference between NCC trained and non-NCC students studying at Madras Group colleges.

As stated in Table 1, personality development skills were tested in cadets and students who had participated in NCC training but had not been assigned to the Madras Region. A total of 18,324 students (9,162 trained and 9,162 untrained) were contacted for this research through phone or e-mail. Cadets who had participated in NCC training had a higher mean value than cadets who had not participated in it. 0.05 percent more than the necessary t value is the determined t value of 16.96, which is higher than the required t value. The null hypothesis H01 was rejected, however, the alternative hypothesis H02 was accepted, indicating that there is no statistically significant difference between NCC-trained and non-NCC trained students studying in Madras Group institutions, according to the results of the research.

8. Personality Development Qualities among Students in Various Districts in Madras Group

Table 2 displays the descriptive analysis findings for six districts: Thiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Chennai, Vellore, Ranipet, Thirupathur, Kanchipuram, Thiruvannamalai and Villupuram. The descriptive analysis findings are presented in the following order: it should be noticed that the mean value for Chennai District was greater than the mean value for the other districts, while the mean value for Villupuram and Chengalpattu was lower. The SD of Chengalpattu and Thirupathur was the largest, while the spread of Ranipet was the least. To determine if there were any discrepancies in the mean scores of Personal Development traits, the Levenes test of homogeneity for SD and the Anova test were utilized (Tables 3 and 4). In the instance of the Levenes test, the homogeneity of variances was observed to be disturbed (p = 0.001). The robust test of equality was employed using F = 4.138 (p = 0.001) to establish that there was a substantial difference in the mean values, and the result was F = 4.138 (p = 0.001). Post hoc tests were utilized to compare several districts to understand the causes for the significant variances (Table 5). There was a considerable difference in personal development skills between Thiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Chennai, Vellore, Ranipet, Thirupathur, Kanchipuram, Thiruvannamalai and Villupuram. As a consequence of this rejection, the null hypothesis H02: there is no significant difference in leadership qualities amongst Districts of the Madras Group was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. The low mean scores in Chengalpattu (80.04) and Vilupuram (80.04) must be constantly observed, and the NCC department’s attempts to promote personality development and distraining in these districts should be supported.

9. Personality Development Qualities among Male and Female Cadets

Table 6 displays the results of a personality development ability exam given to Madras Region cadets, both male and female. There were 11475 males and 6849 women among the students contacted in order to evaluate their personality development potential. Classmates in Tamil Nadu’s Madras Group who had undergone NCC training outperformed students in the same group who had not gotten NCC training. Male and female t values of 10.94 and 11.98, respectively, were statistically significant when compared to the required t value of 2.576. This suggests that H03: There is no statistically significant difference in personality development qualities between male and female Madras Group college students who have been trained in the NCC and those who have not was not accepted, and the alternative hypothesis was not rejected. The null hypothesis was rejected in this investigation, and the alternative hypothesis was not supported.

10. Personality Development Qualities among Govt and Private Colleges’ Cadets in Madras Group

There are 13700 students enrolled in government-sponsored institutions and 4624 students enrolled in private colleges, according to the data shown in Table 7. On average, cadets from government-sponsored and private colleges performed better than those from the National Cadet Corps. The estimated t values for government college (10.68) and private college (8.46) were significantly higher than the required t value of 2.576. NH04 was rejected since the results revealed a significant disparity in personality development and discipline abilities between students who were educated in NCC training and those who were not in NCC training in government/aided and private institutions in the Madras Group. Female NCC cadets at Madras Group Headquarters outnumbered their male counterparts by a factor of more than two to one, despite the fact that their leadership talents were significantly superior to those of their male counterparts. Because of the NCC’s challenging programs and camps, as well as parental reluctance, the enrollment rate was low. The National Cadet Corps section of this program should conduct discussions to encourage female students and their families to join the National Cadet Corps and to assuage their fears about doing so (NCC).

Table 8 illustrates the results for children’s Personal development traits based on their family’s financial level. One-third of the 9220 students came from low-income families, while the remaining 9100 students came from families earning more than 20,000 a month on average. The mean values of individuals who had received instruction from the National Council for Community Colleges (NCC) were greater than those who had not received instruction from the NCC. In cases where the parents’ income was less than or equal to 20,000, the computed t value was 7.42; in cases where the parents’ income was more than 20,000 the computed t value was 8.46. As a result, the null hypothesis NH06, which said that there is no statistically significant difference in personality development and discipline skills between students who have been taught in NCC and those who have not, was rejected and the alternative hypothesis, which stated that there is, was accepted, was rejected.

11. Conclusions

(1)Following this research and discussions £with NCC cadets, associate NCC officers, army personnel, and college students who serve as permanent instructors, the following recommendations have been made. Students from a range of backgrounds, including gender, college, location, stream, and pay, have shown substantial gains in their personality development and discipline qualities as a result of the NCC program.(2)It is indisputable that the National Cadet Corps (NCC) in India teaches young people how to serve their country and become future leaders via a variety of activities. Chennai, Kanchipuram, and Vellore were the highest-scoring districts, with a mean leadership score of 79, while Chengalpattu and Vilupuram were the lowest-scoring. The National Cadet Corps (NCC) should provide extra training for cadets from the Chengalpattu and Vilupuram districts.(3)The researchers were happy to see that the mean score for the NCC females was greater than the mean score for the males, ¢demonstrating that the ladies were just as good as the boys. The data available at Madras NCC Group Headquarters, however, indicates that female students made up a small fraction of the total number of students enrolled.(4)In part because of the physically demanding nature of NCC camp tasks as well as parental opposition, male students are more likely than female pupils to join in NCC, and the converse is also true. Women’s participation in the NCC should be encouraged through the organization’s efforts to convince the parents of female students to let their daughters take part in the competition.(5)In terms of personality development and discipline qualities, neither students at public institutions nor those at private universities showed significant differences from one another. NCC instruction was provided to both types of institutions at the same intensity. Because their personality development and discipline talents were instilled in them regardless of their parents’ affluence, the cadets’ socioeconomic standing had no effect on their ability to lead. This did not prevent students from disadvantaged homes doing far better than students from rich ones. The National Cadet Corps should continue to give this kind of teaching to all cadets without distinction.(6)A large number of students expressed an interest in participating in the NCC and NSS programs. Their participation was, however, unable to take place owing to the demands of their education. Students enrolled in professional programs were among those who suffered the most severe consequences. They were concerned that participating in NCC might result in a drop in their marks. Students should be encouraged to join NCC, and the college’s administration should support them in making up for any missed academic material. It is believed that the new education policy would assuage these kids’ anxieties and encourage a greater number of students to participate.(7)The National Construction Corporation (NCC) has a ready supply of disciplined, well-trained labour to assist in the development of the nation. The C Certificate exam is worth a bonus point in some government occupations if you pass it. Nevertheless, the additional point alone is not enough to make NCC popular. They should be recognized for their efforts, and the government should set aside specific jobs for them in order to reward them.

12. Limitation of the Study

The effectiveness of NCC training in terms of personality development and discipline qualities was investigated in this study. It has been shown that NCC training is effective in educating college students on how to be leaders. Furthermore, it was observed that the outcomes of NCC cadets and non-NCC students were drastically different. Madras Group NCC cadets displayed greater personality development and discipline skills regardless of their gender, whether they attended government or private universities, where they lived, their economic background, or whether they attended arts/science/commerce/professional schools. Increasing the NCC’s visibility and recruiting more female cadets would help the organization reach out to more people in distant areas.

13. The Ending and the Future of the Research

One of the main focuses of this study was the issue of the effectiveness of the leadership development programs provided by the NCC. It was found that the NCC’s leadership program was effective in fostering leadership qualities in the college students who participated in it. Additionally, it was found that cadets who were members of the National Cadet Corps had a significant advantage over their peers who were not members of the NCC. Although they hailed from a range of backgrounds in terms of gender, geography, family position, and educational experience, the cadets in the Madras Group of the National Cadet Corps demonstrated remarkable leadership ability (arts, science, commerce, or professional). If the NCC wants to strengthen its capacity to serve rural areas, it is imperative that it raises its profile and recruit more female cadets.

Data Availability

The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

This authors declare that they no conflicts of interest related to the research, writing, and/or publishing of the work.

Authors’ Contributions

M. Anish conceptualized and designed the study; V Jayaprakash collected the data; S.Ganesh and P.Chandrasekar did analysis and data representation; Joseline X, Balaji B prepared the draft manuscript. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.


The authors want to convey our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to our Commanding Officers, GpCapt V Ganesh Narayanan, 1(TN) Air Sqn Unit, NCC, Lt Col P Suresh, 1 (TN) Medical Unit, NCC, Lt Cdr Lalith Kumar, 4 (TN) Naval Tech Unit, NCC for providing us with the chance to work on this wonderful project, which also aided us in conducting extensive study and learning about a bunch of new topics. The authors would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to The Group Commanders of Madras “A” & “B” Group Col Jarnail, Gp Capt T Arunachalam for their assistance in completing this project in such a short period of time. “This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors”.