Research Article

A Bioclinical Pattern for the Early Diagnosis of Cardioembolic Stroke

Table 1

Demographic and clinical features in 114 patients with stroke according to TOAST classification.

CardioembolicLarge-artery atherosclerosisSmall-vessel occlusion
Undetermined aetiology value*
4 4

 Females12 (35%)15 (56%)11 (58%)13 (38%)0.22
 Males22 (65%)12 (44%)8 (42%)21 (62%)
 Age, mean (SD)75.9 (8)74.1 (9)69.8 (13.7)71.3 (14)0.50
 Smoking5 (15%)7 (26%)7 (37%)7 (21%)0.30
 Hypertension26 (76%)23 (85%)15 (79%)24 (71%)0.60
 Dyslipidaemia21 (62%)17 (63%)10 (52%)15 (44%)0.39
 Diabetes4 (12%)11 (41%)2 (10%)2 (6%)0.002
 Previous stroke8 (23%)11 (41%)2 (10%)4 (12%)0.03
 Atrial fibrillation at the ER admission28 (82%)**4 (15%)3 (16%)3 (9%) 0.001
 Left atrial enlargement***15 (56%)8 (40%)3 (19%)7 (28%)0.07
 Baseline NIHSS score, median ( 1– 3)14.0 (9.0–19.0)9.0 (6.0–16.0)6.0 (5.0–7.0)7.5 (6.0–13.0)0.0001
 3-month mortality10 (29%)7 (26%)1 (5%)1 (12%)0.08
 Lacunar infarct (LACI)2 (6%)10 (37%)18 (95%)2 (6%) 0.001
 Partial anterior circulation infarct (PACI)9 (26%)8 (30%)1 (5%)20 (59%)
 Total anterior circulation infarct (TACI)23 (68%)8 (30%)0 (0%)9 (26%)
 Posterior circulation infarct (POCI)0 (0%)1 (3.7)0 (0%)3 (9%)

Abbreviations: 1: first quartile; 3: third quartile; SD: standard deviation; ED: emergency department.
*From chi-square (categorical) or Kruskal-Wallis test (continuous variables).
**Of the six patients with CES without AF at the emergency department, one had an echocardiographic finding of thrombus in the left atrium and five had developed AF during the hospital stay.
***Based on 88 (27, 20, 16, and 25) US echocardiographic examinations.
****According to Oxford Community Stroke Project (OCSP) classifications.