Research Article

Assessing the Prevalence of Incidental Findings Identified by CTPA in Women of Reproductive Age

Table 2

Incidental findings made by CTPA, categorized by PE detection status (positive or negative) and finding type (types I, II, and III), represented as number (n) of said finding. When multiple pathologies were identified, incidental findings were categorized based on the most immediately harmful pathology.

Finding categoryFindingnFinding categoryFindingn

Type IPneumonia6Type I
Bronchiectasis & Pneumonia1

Type IIGround-glass/pulmonary nodule(s)5Type IIGround-glass/pulmonary nodule(s)1
Lymphadenopathy1Pleural effusion1
Pleural Effusion2

Type IIIAtelectasis12Type IIIAtelectasis3
Calcified granuloma(s)3Pulmonary infarct/hemorrhage1
Lymphadenopathy3Small parenchymal hyperattenuation1
Pulmonary nodules2Osteoarthritis1
Vertebral compression fracture1
Healed fracture1
Hepatic steatosis1
Pulmonary cyst1
Enlarged thyroid1
Previously known infection1