Research Article

Structural and Functional Analysis of the Complex between Citrate and the Zinc Peptidase Carboxypeptidase A

Table 1

Statistics of data collection and refinement for citrate-bound CPA.


Wavelength used during data collection0.8123 Å
Unit cell constants , , 90.0°, 102.4°, 90.0°
Resolution range20.24–1.70 Å
Space groupP21 (1 mol/asymmetric unit)
Number of measured reflections185,198
Number of unique reflections29,594
(overall/outermost shell)7.8/27.9%
Completeness & multiplicity (overall/outermost shell)99.6/99.8%
I/σI (overall/outermost shell)18.1/3.5
Reflections used for refinement (total/test set)26,403/893
Crystallographic / 17.8/20.5%

Deviation from ideality

r.m.s.d. bond lengths0.009 Å
r.m.s.d. bond angles1.18°
Number of protein atoms/total atoms2,415/2,691

B-factor statistics (Å2)

Overall B-factor/Wilson plot B-factor17.6/25.4
Catalytic domain, main/side chain16.2/17.0
Zn2+ (1 in total/1 mol per monomer)13.6
Citrate atoms (13 in total/1 mol per monomer)20.6
Glycerol atoms (36 in total/6 mols per monomer)35.4
Solvent atoms (214 in total)26.3

Protein geometry d

Ramachandran favored96.7% (294 of 304 residues)
Ramachandran allowed99.7% (303 of 304 residues)
Ramachandran outliers0.3% (1 of 304 residues, Ser-199)
Residues with bad bonds/angles0.00/0.00%
Rotamer outliers0.33%

Notes: , where N is the redundancy of the data. The outermost shell is 1.75–1.70 Å.
, where the and are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes of reflection hkl.
= is equal to for a randomly selected 3.3% subset of reflections that were not used in refinement.
dAccording to Molprobity [37].