Research Article

Production of Proteolytic Enzymes by a Keratin-Degrading Aspergillus niger

Table 4

Main effects and interaction analysis for keratinase production by A. niger growing on feather meal.

FactorsEffect keratinaseStandard errort valueP value

Feather meal (L)−0.0452720.089646−0.505010.648314
Feather meal (Q)−0.3694300.100496−3.676060.034853*
pH (L)0.9593790.08964610.701860.001744*
pH (Q)0.3875740.1004963.856600.030803*
Feather meal × pH−0.1300000.126590−1.026940.380013

𝑅 2 = 0 . 9 3 .
*Significant factors, 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 .