Research Article

Optimal Conditions for Continuous Immobilization of Pseudozyma hubeiensis (Strain HB85A) Lipase by Adsorption in a Packed-Bed Reactor by Response Surface Methodology

Table 3

Temperature stability of the free and immobilized lipase.*

TemperatureRelative activity (%)***
Free lipase (FLCS)Immobilized lipase (IE)

30°C k d,e
40°C j,k e,f,g
50°C e,f,g,h,i a
60°C e,f,g,h b,c
70°C j,k c,d

*The free and immobilized enzymes were incubated at different temperatures for 2 h.
**Control: free and immobilized lipase without incubation.
***Mean values with the same letter do not statistically differ from each other by the ANOVA Tukey test ( ).