Research Article

Brain Levels of Catalase Remain Constant through Strain, Developmental, and Chronic Alcohol Challenges

Table 1

Catalase activity in brain synaptosomal fractions of ethanol-naive rats: comparison of two strains and two developmental stages.

Catalase activity (μmol H2O2 min−1·mg protein−1)

Preadolescent1.42 0.131.36 0.24
Adult1.19 0.101.52 0.16

Catalase activity (μmol H2O2 min−1·mg protein−1) was determined in rat brain crude synaptosomal/mitochondrial fractions from ethanol-naïve rats and expressed as mean SEM. For each strain of rat, brains were isolated from two developmental stages preadolescent rats were postnatal age 25–28 days (P25–28), and adult rats were P75 or greater. There were no significant differences between strains or developmental stages.