Research Article

Epilepsy Surgery: Factors That Affect Patient Decision-Making in Choosing or Deferring a Procedure

Table 3

Importance of factors in epilepsy surgery decision making.

Surgical group ( )Nonsurgical group ( ) value

Details of epilepsy
 Frequency and severity of seizures3.48 (0.8)1.89 (1.4)0.002
 How long I have had seizures2.957 (1.4)1.56 (1.7)0.031
Effects of epilepsy
 Work limitations as a result of seizures2.435 (1.7)1.44 (1.4)0.082
 The stigma of having epilepsy2.435 (1.8)0.89 (1.8)0.022
 Embarrassment from seizures in public2.522 (1.6)1.11 (1.7)0.037
 Fear of death from seizures1.652 (1.5)0.89 (1.4)0.154
 Fear of physical injury from seizures2.435 (1.6)1.44 (1.2)0.081
 Need/desire to be seizure-free3.783 (0.6)2.0 (1.2)0.000
 Frustration with epilepsy3.522 (0.6)1.33 (1.4)0.000
 Disability benefits0.869 (1.4)0.56 (1.0)0.747
Other people or group's beliefs
 Opinions of family members2.0 (1.6)2.44 (1.7)0.436
 Opinions of friends1.261 (1.4)0.67 (1.0)0.355
 My faith or religion1.565 (1.8)0.78 (1.6)0.236
Surgical fears
 General comfort with surgery2.0 (1.5)3.33 (0.9)0.019
 Fear of surgery in general1.391 (1.4)3.11 (1.2)0.005
 Fear of being put under anesthesia0.696 (1.3)1.22 (1.5)0.218
 Fear that I will not wake up after surgery1.086 (1.5)1.67 (1.7)0.254
 Fear of complications during surgery1.739 (1.5)3.56 (0.5)0.002
 Fear of memory (or other) cognitive problems after surgery2.478 (1.5)3.0 (1.7)0.172
 Concerns that my other health conditions may impact surgery0.652 (1.2)2.11 (2.0)0.045
Hopes after surgery
 Career opportunities2.13 (2.3)1.56 (1.7)0.399
 Future ability to drive2.652 (1.7)1.78 (1.8)0.143
Doctor's information about surgery
 The chances of success quoted to me by my doctor3.304 (1.1)2.33 (1.4)0.040
 The risk of complications during surgery quoted to me by my doctor 2.13 (1.4)2.56 (1.5)0.413
 The risk of disability after surgery quoted to me by my doctor1.565 (1.4)2.22 (1.9)0.289
Personal beliefs about the procedure
 My own understanding of the surgical procedure2.565 (1.1)2.78 (1.2)0.602
 My belief that surgery would work3.565 (0.7)2.22 (1.2)0.002
 Knowledge of others’ successes or failures with epilepsy surgery1.348 (1.6)1.78 (1.6)0.448
 The degree to which surgical treatment is proven scientifically 2.739 (1.1)2.67 (1.3)0.982
Medication effects
 The number of medications I take (or took presurgery) 2.869 (1.4)2.22 (1.3)0.150
 Physical side effects of seizure medications 2.174 (1.4)1.78 (1.6)0.467
 Cognitive or emotional side effects of seizure medication2.13 (1.6)1.56 (1.7)0.354
Other treatment options
 Alternative treatments that may be available to me in the near future0.522 (1.1)1.44 (1.8)0.184
 Availability of the vagal nerve stimulator0.348 (0.9)0.78 (1.2)0.229
 The surgeon recommended the vagal nerve stimulator0.348 (0.8)0.44 (1.3)0.765
 The vagal nerve stimulator seemed safer0.251 (0.8)0.67 (1.3)0.445

Values reported as mean (standard deviation). value provided by the Wilcoxen rank-sum test.