Research Article

Cl as a Chemical Fingerprint of Solute Transport in the Aquitard-Aquifer System of the North Jiangsu Coastal Plain, China

Figure 8

Measured and modeled Cl concentration profiles in aquitard-aquifer system at the studied boreholes. (a, d) SY1 and SY2 profiles between 30 and 12 ka BP with a fresher boundary condition of the Aquifer I. (b, e) Using the simulation result of 15 ka BP as the new initial condition, simulated borehole profiles after a further 10 ka BP and 7 ka BP with a saline upper BC. (c, f) Using the simulation result of 10 ka BP as the new initial condition, simulated SY1 profiles after a further AD 1,128 with a fresher upper BC. The black dotted bordered rectangles in the borehole SY2 profile represent the sediments that were not revealed in the borehole SY2.