Research Article

A Double Scale Methodology to Investigate Flow in Karst Fractured Media via Numerical Analysis: The Cassino Plain Case Study (Central Apennine, Italy)

Figure 2

(a) Geological and hydrogeological map of the Cassino plain, from Gari to Peccia Springs. Key to the legend: (1) Quaternary unit (QU) made of clastic aquifers and aquitards; (2) terrigenous unit (TU) made of clastic aquiclude and aquitards from Miocene foredeep clayey deposits; (3) limestone aquifer unit (CU) made of continuous layers of Mesozoic to Cenozoic limestones; (4) dolostone unit (DU) made of Lower Mesozoic massive dolostones; (5) main tectonic lineament; (6) karst punctual spring; (7) karst streambeds; (8) water-well exploiting the carbonate aquifer; (9) locations of the geomechanical analysis; (10) town; (11) mountain peak; (b) examples of boreholes stratigraphies from CASMEZ [26]. No karst caves have been reported in the original documents; (c) redrawn hydrogeological model from Boni and Bono [42]. The authors [4, 42] schematize the carbonate bedrock via a horst and graben setting and a flux from Gari Springs (G1, G2, and G3) to Peccia Springs. (d) modified hydrogeological section from Celico [23]. Celico [23ā€“25] supposed the interruption of the carbonate bedrock and no underground connection between Gari Spring and Peccia Springs.