Clinical Study

Impact of the Number of Dissected Lymph Nodes on Survival for Gastric Cancer after Distal Subtotal Gastrectomy

Table 2

Univariate analysis of variables for patients with curative distal gastrectomy.

Characteristics 5-year survival (%)χ2

Age (years)0.6410.423
Tumor diameter (cm)4.4090.036
Tumor location5.6930.058
 Lower and middle4245.4
Digestive tract construction5.5080.064
 Billroth I46960.7
 Billroth II14848.5
Depth of invasion65.3540.000
pN category116.8630.000
Number of resected LNs65.2880.000
 0~9 LNs3230.9
 10~14 LNs7537.2
 15~19 LNs11151.6
 20~24 LNs16159.7
 25~29 LNs11862.0
 30~34 LNs7869.6
 ≥35 LNs5977.7
Adjuvant chemotherapy*1.8290.117